History Teacher Education
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
6B01615 240 4
Program Descriptions

Preparation of a competitive history teacher who possesses fundamental and applied theoretical knowledge, and research skills, and carries out professional and practical activities

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies of the educational process, assessment of the quality of training of graduates in this area and includes the introduction of materials that ensure the quality of training for students, and appropriate educational technologies.

Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01615-History

The scope of professional activity of the bachelor of the educational program B015-Teacher training in humanitarian subjects (6B01615-History) is pedagogical activity in institutions of general secondary education, secondary vocational education, science, public service, administrative work.

The object of professional activity - General and special schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, publishing houses for the production of textbooks, departments of education, institutes of professional development of history teachers, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

Functions of professional activities:

- implementation of education of the younger generation;

- organization and development of pedagogical activity;

- implementation of the task of improving the educational process;

- use of the acquired knowledge in the learning process;

- examination of social and cultural projects;

- innovative activities in the field of education.

Тypes of professional activities:

- educational (pedagogical);

- production and management;

- expert Advisory;

- cultural and educational.

1- Forms leadership qualities, taking independent decisions on the basis of collection and critical analysis of data in the studied area (LO1).
2- Inserts professional, academic, scientific and social attitudes into state and foreign languages in an international environment (LO2).
3- Applies in professional activity the methods of scientific research, the basis of academic writing, principles and culture of academic honesty (LO3).
4- Observes spiritual values and economic, ecological, provocative and anti-corruption principles, society in professional activity (LO4).
5- Organizes pedagogical processes, taking into account the psycho-physiological and age characteristics of children (LО5).
6- Adopts management decisions in educational and educational processes, taking into account their social, individual, inclusive needs (LO6).
7- Analyzes the features of the political, socio-economic, and cultural development of states, using the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of history, when teaching periods of national and world history (LO7).
8- Uses sources and historiographic research in determining the reliability of historical events, phenomena, and facts based on critical analysis (LO8).
9- Summarizes theoretical conclusions on topical issues of historical periods in the organization of the scientific and educational process (LO9).
10- Understands pedagogical approaches of quality education based on knowledge of strategic documents in the field of historical education, national cultural values and learning theory (LO10).
11- Conducts scientific and pedagogical research using the basic principles of the humanities and interdisciplinary sciences (ON11).
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EDTA 1285 History of the ancient world. Asia Kazakh 5 1 2 0
МК 12103 Introduction to the specialty Kazakh 5 1 2
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EDTE 1286 Ancient World History. Europe Kazakh 5 15 15 0
KT 1171 History of Kazakhstan Kazakh 5 1 2 0
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AAMHOK 2287 Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan Kazakh 5 15 30 0
OCAAUT 2293 History of the Middle Ages in Asia and Africa Kazakh 7 30 30 0
TD 2294 Historical Demography Kazakh 7 30 30 0
TMT 1205 History of the Turkic states Kazakh 3 15 15 0
МЕ 2120 Mangilik el Kazakh 5 15 30 0
IV. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OGBET 2295 History of Western Countries in the Middle Ages Kazakh 5 15 15 0
TSBT 2296 Historical Process and the Theory of Cognition Kazakh 5 1 2 0
V. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATP 3263 Ataturk's Principles Turkish 3 15 15 0
HOTKK3298 History of the Kazakh Khanate Kazakh 9 15 60 0
KTP 3290 Auxiliary Historical Disciplines Kazakh 4 1 2 0
KYMT 3297 Modern and Contemporary History of Kazakhstan Turkish 9 2 4 0
VI. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Etn 2288 Ethnology Kazakh 5 1 2 0
KKZT 32101 Contemporary History of Kazakhstan Kazakh 5 15 30 0
MHOFC3299 Modern History of Foreign Countries Kazakh 10 30 60 0
MIN 32100 Methodology of Historical Science Kazakh 5 15 15 -
Mur 3291 Archive Studies Kazakh 5 1 2 0
TC 3292 Local History Kazakh 5 1 2 0
TD 32102 Historiography and Source Studies Kazakh 5 1 2
TOA 3289 Methods of Teaching History Kazakh 5 15 30
VII. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AOT 4308 The history of world civilizations Kazakh 6 2 2
HACTAPOM 4305 Historical and Cultural Tourism and Protection of Monuments Kazakh 5 1 2 0
OAUT 4310 History of Central Asian Сountries Kazakh 7 2 2 0
RMT 4306 History of the Russian State Kazakh 7 2 2
TCT 4307 History of the Republic of Turkey Turkish 7 2 2 0
YUCT 4304 Recent history of foreign countries Kazakh 10 30 60 0
ТНТ 4311 History of the Turkic peoples Kazakh 7 2 2
ТТ 4309 History of Turkistan Kazakh 6 15 30 0