History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ТНТ 4311 History of the Turkic peoples төртінші курс 7 210 2 2
Course Descriptions
Rustambekova Muhabbat Erubaevna

The discipline considers the ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Turkic peoples from ancient times to the present day, ethnic territories, ethnocultural characteristics, political, and socio-economic history, and demographic tendencies. The relationship and cooperation of modern Turkic-speaking countries are analyzed, and their place and role in world geopolitics are determined. The contribution of the Turkic peoples to world civilization based on historical data is being studied



narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, problem-based methods

1explains theoretical positions on current issues of historical periods
2analyzes the content and legal features of historical phenomena
3forms the ability to organize the educational and scientific process.
4uses modern methods and educational means in teaching histor
5objectively evaluates historical phenomena and events taking into account the general paradigm of historical development.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The Prototurks: History of the Huns (Synnu, Huns)
2Turkic states in the early Middle Ages
3The Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate
4The Oghuz and the Karakhanid State
5Khazars and Kimak Kaganate. Confederation of Kypchak tribes.
6Turkic peoples under the oppression of the Mongol Empire
7The Golden Horde and the collapse of Moghulistan
8The history of Turkey in the Ancient and Middle Ages. The Ottoman Empire
9Crimean, Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates
10Uzbeks in the ХҮ-ХХ centuries
11Kazakhs in the ХҮ-ХХ centuries
12Azerbaijanis in the ХҮ-ХХ centuries
13The Nogai Horde in the ХҮ-ХҮІІ centuries
14Kyrgyz and Uyghurs in the XҮ-XX centuries
15The newly independent Turkic States
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Turki memleketter tarihi. Okulik. L.Dinahseva, Ayhan Pala. Almati, 2014.
2Turki haliktarinin jilki madenieti. A.Toktabay. Astana. 2015
3Evropa tarihindagi turkler (VI-X gg.) Oku kurali. T/N/Muhajanova. Almati. Kazak universiteti, 2017
4XXI gasir turki alemi epostarindagi turki haliktarinin tarihi men madenietinin birtutastigi, birligi jane damu. K.Mambetov. Turkistan. 2016
5Ortagasirlik turklerdegi dasturli dunietanim men memlekettik tarihi sabaktastik pen ozgerister. (VI-XIII gg.) J.J.Jenis. Almati Evero, 2023
6Zulpıharova E.Ö Türk Devletleri tarihi Turkestan 2017