History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ТТ 4309 History of Turkistan төртінші курс 6 180 15 30 0
Course Descriptions
Sandybayeva Akmaral

Based on interdisciplinary methods, the historical, socio-economic, political, cultural development of Turkestan is comprehensively studied. The discipline is aimed at considering the history of the city of Turkestan, as the spiritual center of the Turkic peoples, from the Middle Ages to the present day, based on scientific research and sources. The national and international significance of the city of Turkestan, its place in the history of the country is determined.




quick questions,

critical thinking,


   case study, developmental teaching method,

poster protection,

creative teaching methods,

group project work method,

method of problem presentation,

mini research method,

project work method

1- Summarizes the knowledge about the main features of theoretical problems, scientific concepts of historical science;
2- knows how to select and use information from historical data;
3- is able to analyze the type considered in the main data related to the history of the city of Turkestan.
4- Provide evidence to evaluate the current situation in Turkestan
5- studies the historical appearance of the city in connection with the history of the city
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Ancient Turkestan Turkestan and its territory
2Sources of the history of the city of Turkestan and its of the region in the 12th-19th centuries
3Shaugar is the main city of the Turkestan region in the 6th-11th centuries.
4Iasi is the capital of Turkestan region
5Turkestan is the capital of the Kazakh Khanate.
6The political situation of Turkestan on the eve of the establishment of Tsarist Russian rule
7The conquest of the city of Turkestan by Russian troops
8Function and nature of colonial power structures in the territory of the city of Turkestan
9Establishment of Soviet power: political events in the city of Turkestan
101920-1930 yearsTurkestan
11Socio-economic situation of the city of Turkistan in the period before the revolution
12Participation of Turkestan people in the Great Patriotic War and contribution to the victory
13The main directions of the political, socio-economic development of the city in the post-war years
14Independence and revived Turkestan
15Turkestan-Regional Center
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Shejireli Túrkistan . 2-kitap / Red. N. Nazarov. - Almaty : Dástúr, 2016. - 202 s. -
2Túrkistan-rýhanıat besigi, 2019. M. Qoja, h. Tursyn, g. Saǵıdolda jáne t. b.
3Túrkistan oblysynyń ХХ ǵasyrǵa deıingi tarıhyna qysqasha sholý; Tarıhı-tanymdyq baıan. 2018. M. Ábdákimuly
4Túrkistan-Rýhanı besigi.-Nur-Sultan: Nurnama.2019.
5Qazaqstannyń tarıhı ólketanýy. Oqý. járdemaqy, 2017. A. B. Qalysh