History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RMT 4306 History of the Russian State төртінші курс 7 210 2 2
Course Descriptions
Salgarayev Marat

The discipline examines the main trends in the socio-political and cultural development of the Russian state from the IXth to the beginning of the XXI st century in the context of world history. The main stages of the formation and development of the Russian state, Kievan Rus, the disunity of the feudal principalities, the Moscow Russian centralized state, the Russian Empire, the domestic and foreign policy of the state at the stages of Soviet and post-Soviet Russia, the main events and features of development are studied.



narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods

1Can use technology to work with large amounts of information.
2Working with historical sources, educational literature, maps, can independently explain the necessary information on concepts.
3Can analyze research, logically present research and material.
4To prove their point of view based on historical facts, to justify your point of view on this or that issue and listen to the opponent, able to take other positions as alternatives.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to the course of history of Russia and Soviet states. Formation and development of the ancient feudal Russian state.
2Creation of a unified Russian state. (early XII-XV centuries)
3Domestic and foreign policy of the united Russian state. Prerequisites for Russian absolutism (mid-XV - XVII centuries)
4The Russian Empire on the path of modernization (first half of the 18th century)
5Russian Empire under Catherine the Great 18th century The Russian state in the era of 'enlightenment absolutism'.
619th century Russia in the first half. Policies of Alexander I and Nicholas I
7Socio-economic, cultural development of Russia in the second half of the XIX century, social movements
8Domestic and foreign policy of Russia in the late XIX-XX centuries BC
9Revolutionary events in Russia, the Civil War and foreign intervention (November 1917 – 1920)
10Socio-economic political processes in the Soviet state in the 20-30s
11International relations between the two World Wars The USSR during the Great Patriotic War
12The USSR during the Great Patriotic War
13USSR in the second half of the twentieth century. 1945-1991.
14The 90s of the twentieth century. Russia and the CIS countries.
15Национальный вопрос в России. Современное состояние России.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1KH.M.Tursun, K.M.Berkimbayev, M.T.Salgarayev. Izucheniye istorii skifov po antichnym pis'menam (drevnegrecheskiye i rimskiye). Turkestan, 2019.
2Istoriya Rossii KHÍKH-nachale KHKH vv. Uchebnik pod red.D.A.Fedorova. M.,2017.
3Platonov S.F. «Polnyy kurs lektsiy po russkoy istoriy». Rostov-na-Donu, 2016 g.
4Semennikova L.I. «Rossiya v mirovom soobshchestve tsivilizatsiy». Bryansk, 2018 g.
5Dinasheva L.S. Istoriya Rossii i Sovetskogo gosudarstva; v vide skhemy i tablitsy. Turkestan, 2014.