History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MIN 32100 Methodology of Historical Science Үшінші курс 5 150 15 15 -
Course Descriptions
Tursun Khazretali Makhanuly

Learning the principles, categories, and basic concepts of the theory and methodology of historical science. Educational aspects: formation and conceptual features of the main scientific schools and directions of the methodology of world history science are considered. Basic methods and skills of historical research will be learned.


World History

Group project work method; problem-based learning technologies; modular teaching technology, critical thinking.

1-determines the methods of analysis of sources in the description of historical events; Critically analyzes domestic and world history events and their consequences;
2- applies practical knowledge in the field of historical subjects; determines the priority directions for solving the main tasks of education in the teaching of history and the purpose of teaching the subject.
3- has theoretical knowledge of world history and civilization issues (ancient world history, Middle Ages, modern and modern history); able to determine the connection of historical phenomena and events with the general paradigm of world historical development.
4-able to use general scientific methods and methodology of domestic historical schools to improve professional knowledge.
5-дүние жүзі тарихы өркениетінің мәселелері туралы теориялық білімі бар (ежелгі әлем тарихы, Орта ғасырлар, жаңа және қазіргі заман тарихы);
6тарихи құбылыстар мен оқиғалардың әлемдік тарихи дамудың жалпы парадигмасымен байланысын анықтауға қабілетті.
7-кәсіби білімін жетілдіру үшін отандық тарихи мектептердің жалпы ғылыми әдістері мен әдіснамасын қолдануға қабілетті.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
2Definition of historical science
3Functions of historical science
4Theory of historical knowledge
5Historical event and historical fact
6Periodization of historical time and historical process.
7Historical space.
8Concepts of historical development and historical legitimacy
9Philosophy of historical science
10General scientific methods in historical research
11Methods used only in historical research
12Methods of natural sciences in historical research.
13Real-problematic methods
14Use of the Internet in historical research
15Research program and main stages of historical research
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Methodology of teaching history: textbook, 2016. Kozgambaeva Gulnar Bestibayovna
22. Methodology and methodology of didactic research: textbook, 2015. Sh. Taubaeva
33. Methodological guide for seminar classes on the history of Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages. Almaty, 2017. Omarbekov T.
44. Historical education: subject and research methods - Almaty: 'National Translation Bureau' public fund, 2020. Jordanova Lyudmila
5Bisk I. Ya. History of methodology: Course lecture. Ivanovo: IGU, 2007. -236 p.
6Kuzembayuly A. Theory of historiography. Educational tool. Kostanai. 2012. -136 p.
7Kuzembayuly A., Abil E. Theory of history. Educational tool. 2014.-175 p.