History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TCT 4307 History of the Republic of Turkey төртінші курс 7 210 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
Bazarbayev Kanat

The Socio-political and cultural reforms on the way of formation and development of the Republic of Turkey as a democratic state, ways of achieving the level of modern civilization by the Turkish state are considered. The characteristic features and main stages of the evolution of Turkish society are comprehensively analyzed, the features of the historical formation and the current state of the main public institutions of the Republic of Turkey, the importance of the ratio of factors of internal development and external influences

Group work, pair work, lightning questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental teaching methods, poster defence, jigsaw puzzles, creative teaching methods, cloud technology, IT method, group project method, problem solving method, mini research method, project work method, professional development method, Notetaking techniques, Dvolver moviemaker, Numeriser, Think-Pair-Share method, PPP method, Task-based Learning method.

11-Explains research methods knowledge and study areas.
22- Analyzes the application of knowledge and understanding at a professional level, the formation of evidence and issues in the field of study
33- Summarizes the knowledge of collecting and interpreting information to form opinions, taking into account social, ethical and scientific collections
44- Knows the principles of academic integrity and the characteristics of developing systems of understanding the importance of culture
55- Creates theoretical and practical knowledge to solve educational and practical and professional problems in the field of study
66- Uses facts, phenomena, theories and complex relationships between them in the field of study
77- Evaluates by demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the field studied, based on advanced knowledge in the field.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Results of the war Treaty of MudrosАуызша
2Hostile wars occurring in the countryАуызша
3Hostile wars of the Allied powersАуызша
4Istanbul Government during the occupationАуызша
5In the years of the national struggle that took place in the Ottoman Empire after the First World WarАуызша
6National groups' debut on WednesdayАуызша
7National Movement periodАуызша
8Erzurum CongressАуызша
9Establishment of the Turkish Grand National AssemblyАуызша
10The struggle of national fronts against invasionАуызша
11Grand National Assembly of TürkiyeАуызша
12Treaty of Mudan and the abolition of the power of the sultanateАуызша
13The Lausanne Peace TreatyАуызша
14Actions of Mustafa Kemal Pasha on theАуызша
15Proclamation of the Republic of TurkeyАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Gençlik veTürkistan ulusal kurtuluş hareketi K.K.Bazarbayev. - Türkistan: Turan yayınevi, 2017. - 138 s.
2Türkiye'nin ekonomi tarihi. Eğitimaracı. - Çimkent: Alem, 2020. Zulpykharova E.
3Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile Sovyetler Birliği Arasındaki İlişkiler (1920-1991), Ders Kitabı. 2017. Moldadosova, A. K.
4Türk dünyasının kültürel ve insani alanda entegrasyonu: tarih, mevcut durum vegelecek: monografi. 2017.RS Myrzabekova
5Atatürk veTürkiye Cumhuriyeti tarihi / S. Yılmaz. - Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık ve Eğitim Danışmanlığı, 2014. - 444 s. Yılmaz, S.