History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KTP 3290 Auxiliary Historical Disciplines Үшінші курс 4 120 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Primkulova Gauhar

The discipline is aimed at developing the ability to use special historical knowledge in professional activities, the integrated development of research methods for branches of historical science, and an in-depth study of theoretical problems of history. The content of the basic concepts and terms used in auxiliary historical disciplines, the history of the development of the main branches, and the role of the discipline in historical research are considered. Students are trained to draw conclusions based on scientific-theoretical and interdisciplinary principles and use historical data.

Archive Studies

Ancient and Medieval History of Kazakhstan

group project work method; problem-based learning technologies; interdisciplinary teaching method, critical thinking.

1-summarizes knowledge on the main branches of the discipline, masters research methods, uses theoretical knowledge;
2-knows the methods of analysis, expertise and practical application of historical data, depending on their types and specifics;
3-Conducts scientific research using the basic principles of the humanities and interdisciplinary sciences;
4-based on historical knowledge, analyzes historical processes in the main branches of the discipline
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Goals and objectives of the discipline, methods of interdisciplinary research, sourcesЖазбаша
2The main branches of paleographic science and research methodsЖазбаша
3The history of writing and written monuments of the Turkic peoplesЖазбаша
4Historical chronologyЖазбаша
5Traditional time units. CalendarsЖазбаша
6Historical metrologyЖазбаша
7Traditional units of measurement of peoplesЖазбаша
8Methods of numismatics research as a scienceЖазбаша
9The history of the monetary system, monetary circulationЖазбаша
10Methods of genealogical researchЖазбаша
11The history of the family treeЖазбаша
12Heraldry and sphragisticsЖазбаша
13Historical geographyЖазбаша
14Onomastics and its branchesЖазбаша
15Toponymy, cartographyЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Tөlebaev T.А. Kosalky tarihi pander. Oкu кuraly. Almaty, 2017
2Turgunbaev E.M. Shezhіre – tarihi-jetnografijalyk derek. Oku kuraly. Almaty, 2016
3Shezhіrelі Tүrkіstan. Almaty: «Dаstur», 2016
4Dann Ross E. Panorama: Duniezhүzі tarihy.1, 2 kіtap. 2019
5Kuderinov K.B. Kazaк zhazuynyn tarihy men teorijasy. Almaty «Eltanym baspasy», 2013