History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TOA 3289 Methods of Teaching History Үшінші курс 5 150 15 30
Course Descriptions
Jumadullaeva Asel Nurdullaevna

The discipline is aimed at mastering the methods and techniques of teaching history on the basis of modern strategies for historical education at school, teaching the planning of courses in history, and using innovative technologies in history lessons. The student develops the skills of critical analysis and evaluation of new knowledge in social thought using historical knowledge and methods. Integrates interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of humanities and natural sciences.



test, writing, oral questioning, oral writing, presentation

1Methods of analysis using qualitative and quantitative methods are explored in the acquisition of historical knowledge
2Explores ways to mentalize the effective use of modern methods and educational tools in the teaching of history
3Mastering, generalization, analysis of methodological principles of teaching the subject 'Modern History' in the context of the updated content of education.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Subject and purpose of history teaching methods.
2Formation and development of methods of teaching history in Kazakhstan
3Modern strategy for the development of history education in the Republic of Kazakhstan
4Training in reading normative documents on the subject of historical education in schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan
5Formation of historical knowledge, knowledge and skills in the process of teaching history.
6Method and methodological approaches in teaching history. Grouping of teaching methods
7Using visual aids in teaching history.
8Using the capabilities of ICT and computer technologies
9Form of organization of teaching the subject history
10The use of interactive, innovative methods and technologies in teaching history at school.
11Results-oriented history education
12Educational opportunities for school history courses
13Interdisciplinary and intra-course connections in teaching history
14Using documents with historical data in a history lesson.
15Ulusal tarih öğretiminde bölgesel ve bölgesel materyallerin kullanımı.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Istoriya istoricheskikh znaniy. Uchebnik.-Nur-Sultan, 2020. Repina L.P., Zvereva V.V., Paramonova M.YU.
2Metodika prepodavaniya istorii. Obrazovatel'nyy instrument. – Almaty: Kazakhskiy universitet, 2016. Kozgambayeva G.M. Тарихты оқыту әдістемесі. Оқу құралы. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2016.Қозғамбаева, Г. М.
3Metodika i metodika didakticheskogo issledovaniya: uchebnik, 2015. Taubayeva SH.
4Metody i metody didakticheskogo issledovaniya: uchebnik, 2015. Taubayeva SH. Istoricheskoye obrazovaniye: predmet i metody issledovaniya - Almaty: Obshchestvennyy fond «Natsional'noye byuro perevodov», 2020. Lyudmila Iordanova.
5Metodicheskoye posobiye dlya seminarskikh zanyatiy po istorii Kazakhstana v sredniye veka. – Almaty: Kazakhskiy universitet, 2017. Omarbekov T.
6XXI vek: yedinstvo, yedineniye i razvitiye istorii i kul'tury tyurkskikh narodov v epose tyurkskogo mira K. Mambetov. – Turkestan: Myrza, 2016. – 66 s.