History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МЕ 2120 Mangilik el Екінші курс 5 150 15 30 0
Course Descriptions
Associate professor B. Sizdikov

The purpose of the subject "Mangilik el" is to have a high level of development of national consciousness, national spirit, spirit of patriotism, historical awareness and social memory, professionalism and competitiveness; Educating a new generation of specialists, socially active members of society, who are ready for active and decisive actions to improve the independence, security, stability, development and life of the people of Kazakhstan, who are responsible for developing and preserving the spiritual values of the national culture, who are ready to create a constructive agreement with representatives of other cultures.

Group project work method; project methods of education, problem-based learning technologies; modular teaching technology, critical thinking, Case-study method.

11 – Learning the history, material and spiritual culture, national values of the Kazakh people.
22 – create a theoretical and methodological base of scientific research and evaluate it using comparative, statistical analysis methods. Conduct research in the field of pedagogy and education and learn to express conceptual ideas and positions freely.
33 – deepens knowledge in the fields of history and philosophy, expands the multicultural, multiethnic view of the country on a scientific basis, creatively and professionally uses the knowledge acquired at the modern scientific and practical level.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1National idea and national policy of KazakhstanАуызша
2National self-consciousness in the structure of human consciousnessАуызша
3Providing national education to future specialists within the framework of the national idea of 'Eternal Country'Ауызша
4The meaning and significance of the mentality of greatnessАуызша
5History of formation and development of the idea of 'Kazakh nation'Ауызша
6The birth of the idea of 'Turkish country'Ауызша
7The influence of the philosophical thought of the Kazakh people on the formation of its spiritual cultureпрезентация
8Influence of philosophical ideas and teachings of Kazakh thinkers on the formation of the national consciousness of the Kazakh peopleАуызша
9Traditional culture of Kazakhs and its featuresАуызша
10Owners of the great field spiritАуызша
11The meaning of the concept of languageАуызша
12Religion as a component of the national culture of the Kazakh peopleАуызша
13Kazakh family structureАуызша және жазбаша
14Kazakh family structureАуызша
15A healthy lifestyle is the basis for building a healthy nationпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Kazakstan (Kazak elі) tarihy. Tauelsіz Kazakstan: algysharttary zhane kalyptasuy / T.Omarbekov, B.S.Sajlan, A.Sh.Altaev zhane t.b.. – Almaty, Kazak universitetі, 2016.
2Tuymebaev Zh. 'Maңgіlіk El' ideyasyn damytudyn lingvistikalyk negіzі. - Almaty: Kazygurt, 2017. - 360 s.
3Amіrhanov M.B.Kazakstan tarihy men madenietі. -Aalmaty, 2017.
4Syzdykov, S. 'Mangіlіk el' ideyasy: kalyptasuy, ush negіzі, tarihi sabaktastyk. - Astana: Foliant, 2013. - 320 s.
5Mangіlіk El: – Okulyk // M.B. Kasymbekov, S.Zh. Praliev, K.K. Zhampeisova zhane t.b. Abay atyndagy ҚazUPU – Almaty: «Ulagat» baspasy, 2015. – 336 b.
6KalyshA.B. Kazakstan (Kazak elі) tarihy.1-4 kіtap. – Almaty, 2016.