History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Etn 2288 Ethnology Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Primkulova Gauhar

In the course of studying the discipline, through the methodological conceptual apparatus of science, theoretical and methodological problems of ethnology, scientific schools and trends, modern ethnocultural and ethnic processes, and the ethnic image of peoples are considered. Students receive in-depth knowledge of the ethnic history and ethnogenesis of the peoples of the world, classification by geographical, anthropological, linguistic, economic, and cultural types, family life, and traditional material and spiritual values from the point of view of civilizationIn the course of studying the discipline, through the methodological conceptual apparatus of science, theoretical and methodological problems of ethnology, scientific schools and trends, modern ethnocultural and ethnic processes, and the ethnic image of peoples are considered. Students receive in-depth knowledge of the ethnic history and ethnogenesis of the peoples of the world, classification by geographical, anthropological, linguistic, economic, and cultural types, family life, and traditional material and spiritual values from the point of view of civilization



group project work method; problem-based learning technologies; critical thinking.

1-based on the theoretical and methodological system of science, deeply masters the ethnography of peoples;
2-characterizes ethnogenesis and ethnic history, traditional economy, and the system of geographical, anthropological, and linguistic classification of the peoples of the world;
3analyzes the features of the traditional material and spiritual culture of the ethnic group, customs and traditions, belief system;
4understands the importance of studying the history of his native country based on scientific data from archaeology,
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of ethnology, research methods. The system of classification of peoples
2Ethnic processes. Directions and schools of science
3The peoples of Australia and the Pacific ocean
4Peoples of West and East Asia
5The peoples of South and Southeast Asia
6The peoples of North and East Africa
7The peoples of Western, Central and Southern Africa
8The Peoples of America
9The peoples of Northern and Eastern Europe
10The peoples of Central and Southern Europe
11East Slavic peoples
12Non-Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe
13The peoples of the Baltic States, the Caucasus and Siberia
14Central Asia: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens
15Central Asia: Kyrgyz, Karakalpaks, Kazakhs
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Mejrmanova G.A. Jetnologijalyқ zertteu әdіsterі. 2016
2Egіzbaeva M. Tүrkі әlemіnің jetnografijasy. Oқu kұraly. Almaty. 2019
3Қalshabaeva B.K. Orta Azija halyқtarynyң tarihy men jetnografijasy. 2017
4Қartaeva T.E. Syr tөңіrіnің dәstүrlі jetnografijasy. Monografija. Almaty, 2015
5Alibek S.N. Jetnologija Kazahstana: istorija i sovremennost'. 2018
6Titova T.A. Jetnologija. 2017.
7Jakupov R.I. Vvedenie v obshhuju jetnologiju Ufa 2016