History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TD 32102 Historiography and Source Studies Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Saulembekova M.

The discipline considers the foundations and principles, regularities, and theory of source studies and historiography. Methods of working with data, issues of source heuristics, classification, and systematization are studied. Aspects of historiographical research, the concepts of historical schools and trends, the main stages of historical knowledge are studied. The methods of internal and external critical analysis of historical research are studied.



narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, problematic methods

1the study of the objective representation of historical processes, special theoretical and methodological training, the formation of critical analysis skills
2is a science that teaches the correct choice of methodological approaches, information about the subject, and critical analysis;
3mastering the methodology and theoretical principles of legislation. The study of written sources separately from physical data.
4specific historical research, objective differentiation, identification of unexplored aspects;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theory of source studies, methodology.
2Source concepts and terms.
3Formation and development of source studies.
4Formation and development of source studies.
5The method of source studies.
6Source-based views of the Kazakh intelligentsia
7Source studies of Kazakh scientists during the years of Soviet power
8Сhronicles and chronography
9Methodological foundations of historiographical science
10Kazakhstan in Russian citizenship: historiographical problems
11Study of the land problem and settlement of Russian peasants in Kazakhstan
12Using methods in research of historiographical science
13Historiography of the forced collectivization of peasant farms in Kazakhstan
14Research on the development of virgin and fallow lands
15Historiography of sociodemographic changes in the population of Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX – XX century
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of teaching source science. Textbook, 2019. Atabaev, K. M.
2Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan before 1917. Textbook. / G.M.Tlenshina. - Almaty: Evero, 2023. - 136 p.
3Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan. Training manual. O. Mukhatova. Almaty: Kazakh university, 2016.
4Overview from Chinese history (historical data). Monograph. 2017. Bozan, Zh.