History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AOT 4308 The history of world civilizations төртінші курс 6 180 2 2
Course Descriptions
Salgarayev Marat

The discipline " History of world civilizations" covers the period in the history of mankind from the period of formation of associations of society, when civilization was founded, to the present day. With the emergence of the first foci of civilization in the countries of the East, their influence on Western society is considered. The differences and similarities between Eastern civilization and Western civilization are analyzed. He is introduced to the theories of famous historians about the development of historical processes.



narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods

1Can use technology to work with large amounts of information.
2Working with historical sources, educational and methodological literature, maps, can independently interpret the necessary information on concepts.
3Using the skills of research work, problem-analytical an approach to information processing, capable of historical thinking.
4Can analyze research, logically present research and material.
5To prove their point of view based on historical facts, to justify your point of view on this or that issue and listen to the opponent, able to take other positions as alternatives.
6Based on the knowledge gained, it is able to analyze historical material.
7Can use the associative series in the study and analysis of historical processes.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The concept of civilization.
2Eastern civilization in the ancient World
3Civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome
4Western European Civilization in the Middle Ages
5Eastern Civilization in the Middle Ages
6Russian Civilization in the Middle Ages
7The Byzantine Civilization in the Middle Ages
8Ways of forming capitalism
9Representatives of the Enlightenment civilization
10The civilizational aspect of colonization
11The 'Iron Age'. The countries of 'old capitalism'. The German way of modernization
12Eastern civilization: rejection of traditionalism
13The twentieth century: the path to post-industrial civilization
14Revolutions of post-industrial civilization
15Features of civilizations of the beginning of the XXI century
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Dınasheva L.S. Álemdik órkenıetter tarıhy. Túrkestan, 2015
2KH.M.Tursun, K.M.Berkimbayev, M.T.Salgarayev. Izucheniye istorii skifov po antichnym pis'menam (drevnegrecheskiye i rimskiye). Turkestan, 2019.
3Djordanova Lúdmıla. Tarıhı bilim: páni jáne zertteý ádisteri. Oqýlyq – Almaty: 'Ulttyq aýdarma búrosy' qoǵamdyq qory, 2020. – 376 bet.
4Repına L.P., Zvereva V.V., Paramonova M.Iý. Tarıhı bilim tarıhy. Oqýlyq – Almaty: 'Ulttyq aýdarma búrosy' qoǵamdyq qory, 2020. – 236 bet.
5Rakhimbekova A.K. Teoriya istoricheskogo protsessa i istoricheskogo poznaniya. Uchebnoye posobiye. – Almaty, 2023. – 196 s.
6Abdıldınova L.B., Qasymova N.B., Kalelova J.Ý. Tarıhty oqytýdaǵy ınovasıalyq tehnologıalar: oqý quraly. – Almaty, 2021. 150 bet.
7Panorama: Dýnıejýzi tarıhy. 1-kitap. 2019. E.Dann Ross
8Panorama: Dýnıejýzi tarıhy. 2-kitap. 2019. E.Dann Ross
9Antropologıa tarıhy men teorıasy [okýlyq] 2018 /A.Barnard; aýd. J.Jýmashova
10Etnologiya Kazakhstana: istoriya i sovremennost'. 2018. S.N.Alibek
11Istoriya Rossii KHÍKH-nachale KHKH vv. Uchebnik pod red.D.A.Fedorova. M.,2017.
12Platonov S.F. «Polnyy kurs lektsiy po russkoy istoriy». Rostov-na-Donu, 2016 g.
13Semennikova L.I. «Rossiya v mirovom soobshchestve tsivilizatsiy». Bryansk, 2018 g.
14Dinasheva L.S. Istoriya Rossii i Sovetskogo gosudarstva; v vide skhemy i tablitsy. Turkestan, 2014.