Pedagogy and Psychology
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
7M01101 120 2
Program Descriptions

       Preparation of the professionally competent master of pedagogical sciences, in demand on the labor market, competitive in the implementation of research, teaching and psychological and pedagogical activities, with well-formed scientific knowledge and psychological training.

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of student training and implementation of appropriate educational technology

Master of Pedagogical Sciencesinthe Educational Program «7М01101 Pedagogy and Psychology»

Education, science, culture, state service, private and public organizations

departmental subordination;

-organizations of technical and professional education;

-higher educational institutions;

-research institutes;

-institutes of professional development and retraining of workers of an education system;

-authorized and local executive bodies in the field of education.


-training and educational;



-organisational (administrative);



-productive and administrative;





1Analyzes the main problems and current trends in the development of the history and philosophy of science, applying the obtained theoretical knowledge in various forms of research activities (LO1)
2Applies oral and written communication skills in a foreign language in professional activities. (PO2)
3Еffectively organizes educational activities at the university observing the rules of pedagogical tact and ethics, demonstrating leadership and leadership skills in the professional sphere. (LO3)
4Uses empirical research methods and skills used in a professional environment in research work, demonstrating a systematic understanding of their features. (LO4)
5Publishes scientific papers based on the results of research work, using information from international scientific databases in accordance with scientific ethics, observing the principles of academic integrity. ( (LO5)
6Organizes educational activities in a holistic pedagogical process, combining knowledge and skills with the use of modern educational methods and pedagogical technologies (LO6)
7Organizes work on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, correction, professional counseling (LO7)
8Педагогика және психология ғылымы саласында гносеология мен әдіснамалық зерттеулерде статистикалық сараптауды жүргізу үшін, кешенді мониторингті дәлдікпен дербес жүзеге асырады(ОН8);
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBSB 5311 Education Quality Management Kazakh 5 1 2 0
KOZhAN 5215 Methodological foundations of the distance learning system Kazakh 5 1 2 0
ZhGBMOTZh 5213 The content of education and the development of technology of education in universities Kazakh 5 1 1 0
ZKA 5302 Applied methods of research Kazakh 5 1 2 0
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AGZh 5203 Academic scientific record Kazakh 5 1 1 0
BP 5209 Psychology of Management Kazakh 4 1 2 0
ZhDРРOА 5304 Methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines in universities Kazakh 5 1 1 0
ZhDРРOТ 5304 Methods of teaching psychological disciplines in universities Kazakh 5 1 1 0
ZhMP 5209/ PVSH 5209/ HSP 5209 High School Pedagogy Kazakh 4 1 1 0
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BZh 5309 Education systems Kazakh 5 1 1 0
PBBMTIAT 5305 Cultural-historical and activity approach in psychology of education Kazakh 5 1 2 0