Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhMP 5209/ PVSH 5209/ HSP 5209 High School Pedagogy Бірінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Alimbekova Sabira Sherekhanovna

The subject aims to form knowledge of the methodological basis of the whole pedagogical process in high school and modern educational paradigms. During the study of the discipline, the master student learns the role and importance of higher professional education and the basic requirements for high school teachers, the use of research methods in higher education, the organization and conduct of specific scientific and pedagogical research.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods, exchange of opinions, discussion, method of improving professional skills, method of problem-based learning.

1Еffectively organizes educational activities at the university observing the rules of pedagogical tact and ethics, demonstrating leadership and leadership skills in the professional sphere. (LO3)
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Higher School Pedagogy course, aims and objectives
2Conceptual dimension of higher education pedagogy and its relationship with other sciences
3Scientific research methods of Yüksekokul pedagogy
4Methodology of organizing and conducting concrete scientific-pedagogical research
5Yüksekokul teacher. Creation of teacher's scientific-research culture
6System of higher specialized education in the Republic of Kazakhstan
7Important issues in the development of today's High Schools
8The role of overseas experience in improving the education system
9Pedagogical management and the didactic requirements required from it
10Quality management system in education
11Ways of organizing teaching in higher education
12The content of discipline in higher education
13Technologies in the higher education system
14Supervising the pedagogical process at the high school
15Competence and personal qualities of the pedagogue in education
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Mıñbaeva A.Q. Joğarı mektep pedagogikası negizderi: oqulıq. - Almatı, 2016
2Şalğınbaeva Q.Q., Albıtova N.P. Slambekova T.S. Pedagogika. Magistranttarğa arnalğan. Oqu quralı. Astana, 2014.
3İgenbaeva R.T. Joğarı mektep pedagogikası. Oqulıq - Almatı, 2016
4Esekeşova M., Sagalieva J. Pedagogika vısşey şkolı. Uçebnik. – Astana: Foliant, 2018.
5Taşkeyeva G.K. Tvorçeskaya deyatel'nost' studentov v obrazovatel'noy srede vysşih uçebnıh zavedeniy. Monografiya. – Almatı, 2017.
6Babaev S.B. Tulğalıq pedagogika. Pedagogikalıq teoriya negizderi: Oqu quralı. - Almatı, 2013. RMÉB
7Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogika: Uçebnik dlya stud. uçrejdeniy vysşego obrazovaniya. - 12-ye izd., stereotip. - M.: Izdatel'skiy tsentr 'Akademiya', 2014. RMEB
8Pedagogika vısşey şkolı: uçeb. posobiye / E.G.Skibitskiy, V.V.Egorov, S.M.Udartseva, G.M.Smirnova, İ.İ.Erahtina, V.V.Gotting – 2-e izd. dop. i pererab. – Karaganda: KarGTU, 2013. – 413 s.
9Pedagogika vysşey şkolı. Innovatsionno-prognostiçeskiy kurs: uçeb. posobiye / V.I. Andreyev. – Kazan': Tsentr innovatsionnıh tehnologiy, 2013. – 500 s.
10Aykinbaeva G.K. Joğarı mektep psihologiyası. Oqu quralı: – Almatı: Évero baspası, 2020j.
11Şalğınbaeva Q.Q., Albıtova N.P., Slambekova T.S. Joğarı mektep pedagogikası: Magistranttarğa arnalğan oqu quralı:- Almatı: «Évero» baspası, 2020