Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PBBMTIAT 5305 Cultural-historical and activity approach in psychology of education Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Alimbekova Sabira Sherekhanovna

Within the framework of the discipline, cultural-historical and activity methods in psychology and education, the profession and requirements of the teacher, the disclosure of the psychological essence of personality development, methodological, analytical approaches to activity in psychology in the historical-cultural and activity field are studied, the categories of consciousness, personality are analyzed. The master student masters the methodological principles that contain the activity context and cultural and historical content in psychology and education, the skills of application in education and psychology.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods, exchange of opinions, discussion, method of improving professional skills, method of problem-based learning.

1- Analyzes the main problems and current trends in the development of the history and philosophy of science, applying the obtained theoretical knowledge in various forms of research activities (LO1)
2- Uses empirical research methods and skills used in a professional environment in research work, demonstrating a systematic understanding of their features. (LO4)
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Cultural-historical perspective on psychology and education
2The role of the formation of the cultural-historical theory of L.S.Bigotsky
3Cultural-historical psychology of L.S.Vygotsky from the eyes of today's researchers
4Development of high psychological functions within the framework of cultural and historical concepts
5Description of the development of thinking, speaking, retention, attention, imagination, acceptance, will and emotion in terms of cultural-historical theory
6Views and ideas of L.S.Vigotskiy and J.Piaje on teaching and development
7Teaching and psychological development in the context of cultural-historical perspective
8Historical and epistemological prerequisites for the systemic-behavioral approach in psychology
9Action oriented theories
10The meaning and general content of the action category
11Operative approach and the drivers and causes of the child's mental development
12Paradigms and content of today's education
13Methodological foundations of modern educational concepts
14Basic aspects of teaching in contemporary education
15Development-based education in the national education system
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Şulc D.P., Şulc S.E. Qazirgi psihologiya tarihı. - Almatı, 2018.
22. Tolegenova A.A. Psihologiçeskiy eksperiment: struktura i tehnologii. Uçebnoye posobiye. -Almaty, 2016.
33. Üsembayeva R.B. Psihologiya. Oqulıq. - Almatı, 2019.
44. Ahmetova A.K., Bekturğanova S.M. Psihologiya tarihı. - Almatı, 2020.
55. Alimbayeva, R.T., Slanbekova G.K., Nurgaliyeva S.M. Ekzistenciyaldı psihologiya. Oqu quralı. – Almatı, 2019.
6. Abeuova İ.Ä., Ermekbaeva L.K. Äleumettik psihologiya. Oqu quralı, - Almatı, 2020.
77. Kusainov G.M., Tanirbergenova A.Ş., İşengeldiyeva M.G. Praktikalıq psihologiya. Ädistemelik qural. - Almatı, 2019.
88. Aykinbayeva G.K. Joğarı mektep psihologiyası. Oqu quralı. - Almatı, 2020.
91. Jaqıpov S. M.. Jalpı psihologiya negizderi. Oqulıq. 2012.
102. Ermentayeva A.R. Joğarı mektep psihologiyası: Almatı, 2012.
113. Berkimbayev K.M., Muhamedjanov B., Kusaynova M.A., Daniyarov T.. Psihologiya (Jantanu). 2014.
124. İrgebayeva N. M.. Psihologiya. Almatı, Oqu quralı. 2015 j.