Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhGBMOTZh 5213 The content of education and the development of technology of education in universities Бірінші курс 5 150 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Iskakova P.K.

In the course of studying the discipline, information is studied about the content of education, learning technology, increasing the productivity of the educational process, the rational form and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities using innovative technologies. The undergraduate productively organizes problem solving in pedagogy, analyzes the content of education in a holistic pedagogical process, applies learning technology, coordinates knowledge and masters the skills of organizing educational activities



Brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods, storytelling, exchange of opinions, discussion, professional development method, problem-based learning method.

1adheres to the principles and patterns of creating the content of education and technology of education in universities;
2shows the relationship between the channels of functioning and development in education with each other;
3summarizes effective methods of teaching technologies in education;
4forms the qualities and personal qualities necessary for a specialist in universities.
5implements in practice the trends in the development of the higher education system and methods of organizing the educational process;
6objectively assesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;
7effectively organizes the technology of education at the university and controls the pedagogical process.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to the subject of the content of education and technology of education at the university
2The essence of the content of education in universities and its components
3The structure of the content of higher education
4Development and integration of modern educational systems
5Academic mobility in universities
6Lifelong education in the global education system' (LLL, Lifelong Learning)
7Problems of training teachers of Higher education
8Learning technologies in historical development
9Educational technology and its inherent pedagogical phenomena
10Innovations and technologies of higher education
11Traditional learning technologies, their types and features
12Information technology
13Distance learning technologies
14Technology of collective learning
15Features of the modular training and rating control system
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Börıbekova F.B. Bılım berudegı pedagogikalyq tehnologialar. Oqulyq. Almaty, 2016 j.
2Janatbekova N.J. Qazırgı zamanğy pedagogikalyq tehnologialar. Oqulyq.Almaty, 2014j.
3Bidaibekov E.Y. Bılımdı aqparattandyru jäne oqytu mäselelerı: oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. Almaty, 2014j.
4Mätbek N.Q. Oqytudyñ innovasialyq ädıs-täsılderı: oqu-ädıstemelık qūral. Almaty, 2015j.
5İntegrasia vysşego obrazovania R.K. v Bolonski proses: upravlenie, soderjanie, kadry. Nauchno -metodicheskie sbornik. Almaty, 2013.
6Orazbaev E.D. Bolaşaq pedagogtardyñ qarym-qatynas mädenietın qalyptastyru: Monografia. 2018j.