Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AGZh 5203 Academic scientific record Бірінші курс 5 150 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Torybaeva J. Z.

This course will teach undergraduates how to prepare articles for publications in accordance with the requirements of scientific ethics and academic integrity within the framework of general academic principles. As a result of studying the discipline, the graduate student learns the methods of compiling the text of the article, types of academic records and ways to use international databases, develops the skills of preparing articles in accordance with the requirements of various scientific journals and working with online systems (sites) of journals. The course uses the method of analyzing scientific data.



Brainstorming, case studies, methods for the development of critical thinking and writing, methods for the development of creativity, narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem-based learning methods

1SLR 1-learns the techniques of working with various databases to retrieve information
2SLR 2-demonstrates the ability and willingness to compose a variety of scholarly texts in a professional field
3SLR 3-organizes scientific and pedagogical research within the framework of scientific ethics applying the principles of academic integrity and summarizes the methodology of research
4SLR 4-learns how to write, design, maintain in accordance with the requirements of general academic integrity on the topic of the search
5SLR 5-uses the products of international databases when writing a research paper
6SLR 6- generalization and critical assessment of scientific results, identification of promising directions
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Subject, purpose and objectives of 'academic scientific writing'
2The concept of the fund of scientific information
3Scientific databases, electronic catalogs
4Scientific ethics. Plagiarism and scientific citation and citation issues
5Types of scientific information texts: bibliographic description, annotation, abstract, review
6Bibliographic description
7Annotation, its structure
8Abstract as a special genre of scientific information
9Scientific monograph
10Review (opinion)
11Writing a scientific article. Scientific text models
12Structure of scientific articles
13Features of structuring and writing an article for publication in international journals
14Master's thesis-research as a type of work
15Structuring the text of the master's thesis
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nūğysova A. Ğylymi-pedagogikalyqzertteulerdıūiymdastyru. Almaty: Otan, 2016
2Dinaeva B.B., Sapina S.M. Akademialyqsauattylyqtyñteorialyqjänepraktikalyqnegızderı: oquqūraly. Nūr-Sūltan, 2020.-200b.
3Smağūlov J.K.,Takirov S.U., Rüstemova J.A. Gumanitarlyqğylymdarsalasyndağylymizertteudıūiymdastyrujäne josparlau.-Qarağandy,2014.
4İsenova F.K. Akademicheskoe pismo ichtenie. Astana:Kazahskigumanitarno-iuridicheskiuniversitet, 2016
5Korotkina İ.B. Akademicheskoe pismo: proses, productipraktika: uchebnikdlävuzov. M.:İurait, 2016
6Joldybaeva G.S. Metodologiaimetodynauchnyhissledovani: elektronnyiuchebnik. Karaganda, 2016
7J., Äbdıqalyqov N. Pedagogikanyñğylymi-zertteuädısterı. Oquqūraly. -Astana: Foliant, 2015. -120 b.
8Tūrğynbaeva B.A. Ğylymizertteulerdıñädısnamasy men ädıstemesı. -Almaty, «Senım» 2012.-237
9Sainova G.Ä.,Jünısov M.S., Aqbasova A.J. Ğylymi-zertteujūmystary men olardyjobalaunegızderı.-Almaty, 2020.
10Poşaev D. Pedagogikalyqzertteudıūiymdastyruädıstemesı. –Şymkent, 2014. -64