Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BZh 5309 Education systems Екінші курс 5 150 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Zh. Z. Torybayeva

The purpose of this course is to form a pedagogical specialist who can compete in the international labor market, meeting the strategic needs of society and the state, with higher education and culture. To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the education system, it is necessary to form the professional competencies of future masters, as well as readiness for managerial activities. In the course of solving the tasks set, the course, presented as an integral part of the entire system of training pedagogical personnel, considers the role, areas of activity and content of activity of a pedagogical psychologist in the educational system in an educational institution. At the same time, this discipline includes the development of technologies for organizing pedagogical and psychological support in educational systems.



Brainstorming, case studies, methods for the development of critical thinking and writing, methods for the development of creativity, narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem-based learning methods.

1SLR 1-teacher-psychologist Masters different approaches to the activity of a specialist;
2SLR 2-effectively analyzes information on the forms and methods of organizing pedagogical and psychological activities in the education system;
3SLR 3-summarizes the types of activities of a teacher-psychologist and methods of managing the educational process;
4SLR 4-demonstrates the ability and readiness to use modern methods of pedagogical and psychological support and advanced technologies;
5SLR 5-applies oral and written skills in organizing and monitoring the results of the educational process in educational systems;
6SLR 6-coordinates the activities of educational subjects in the entire pedagogical process and organizes pedagogical and psychological activities in accordance with the requirements.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of the education system. Formation and development of knowledge systems
2The structure of educational systems, the quality of its activities
3Theoretical foundations of knowledge systems management
4The role of the head in the management system of the pedagogical process and the principles of work of management personnel
5The concept of human resources management in educational organization
6The role of a teacher-psychologist in managing the education system
7Management of the educational process in an educational institution
8Interaction of the pedagogical and psychological service and the team in an educational institution
9Diagnostics of the effectiveness of management activities in a comprehensive school
10Problems of management of software activities
11Motivation of Labor and personnel motivation
12Organizational culture in an educational institution
13Professional development of pedagogical specialists and their certification
14Management of the innovation process in the education system
15The main features of competency-oriented knowledge systems
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11Būzaubaqova K.J. Bılımberudegımenejment: oquqūraly. - Taraz, 2020. – 244 b. 2 Almetov N.Ş. Pedagogikalyqmenejment. - Almaty, 2019.-165b.
2Abeuova İ.A. Bılımberusalasyndağypsihologialyqqyzmet: ädısnama, tehnologia, praktika.- Almaty: Evero, 2015
3Balğymbaeva Z.M., Ahtaeva N.S. Bılımberudegıpraktikalyqpsihologia: Oquqūraly. - Almaty, 2013. -232b.
4Bolatbaeva A. Bılımberuūiymdaryndağystrategialyqmenejment.-Almaty: Qazaq universitetı, 2017
5Dorf R.K. Zamanuibasqarujüielerı.- Almaty, 2016
61Torybaeva J.Z., Ortaev B.T. Qazırgıjoğarymekteptıñoquüderısınbasqaru: oquqūraly.-Türkıstan, 2015.-124b.
7Mūhanbetjanova Ä. Pedagogikalyqjüietanunegızderı :oqulyq / Ä. Mūhanbetjanova, S. A. Bahişeva, A. Kemeşova. - Almaty : JŞS RPBK Däuir, 2015. – 320b.
8Bartlet S., Berton D. Bılımberudegızertteuler: oqulyq. - NūrSultan, 2020. – 157b. 4 Nūsqabaeva G.O., Nūsqabaev O.N. Bılımberuäleumettendıru. -Türkıstan, 2018
9İgenbaeva R.T. Joğarymekteppedagogikasy. Almaty: Evero, 2015.-2005 b.
106Kabekenov U. Eresekterbılımı: teoriasy men tarihy, damutendensialary: monografia.-2013
11Qusaiynov A.Q. Salystarmalypedagogika- Almaty, 2018. – 256b.