Pedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBSB 5311 Education Quality Management Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Iskakova P.K.

Within the framework of the discipline, the scientific and theoretical foundations of the problem of quality management of education are studied in depth, methods of forming a quality management system of educational activities based on legislative requirements and generally established standards in the education system are studied.The undergraduate learns the steps, principles and methods of education quality management, areas of joint quality management of education, quality of education, educational process management, implementation of the educational process, skills of productive organization of educational activities.



Brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, creative learning methods, storytelling, exchange of opinions, discussion, professional development method, problem-based learning method

1adheres to the principles and patterns of management in the field of education
2shows the relationship between the channels of functioning and development in education with each other
3summarizes the methods of the education quality management system
4forms the personal qualities necessary for a specialist in the quality management system
5implements in practice the trends in the development of the higher education system and methods of organizing the educational process
6objectively assesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of students
7organizes training and educational work in Higher education and controls the pedagogical process
8forms the style of a leader in educational institutions
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to the discipline of education quality management
2The quality of the facility providing educational services
3The quality of the process of providing educational services
4Management of channels of functioning and development
5Characteristics of the quality management system in education
6Principles and patterns of management in education
7A characteristic characteristic of leadership
8Principles of management based on management
9Qualities required by a specialist in the management system
10Methods of the education quality management system
11Control of the pedagogical process
12Organization-the main management tools
13Values of pedagogical system management
14Areas of pedagogical activity of a teacher
15Systemic approaches to management in vocational education institutions
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Dorf R.K. Zamanaui basqaru jüielerı. Oqulyq. Almaty, 2016.
2Älqojaeva N.S Pedagogikalyq menejment; oqulyq. Almaty, QŪU, 2018 j.
3Bolatbaeva A.A Bılım beru ūiymdaryndağy strategialyq menejment. Oqulyq. Almaty, QazŪU baspasy, 2017 j.
4Orazbaev E.D. Bolaşaq pedagogtardyñ qarym-qatynas mädenietın qalyptastyru: Monografia. 2018j.
5Erekeşov A.A., İskakov A.E. Prikladnye aspekty upravlenia izmeneniami v kontekste modernizasi sovremennogo Kazahstana: metodicheskoe posobie-praktikum. - Astana 2018.
6Qūsaiynov A.Q. PISA jäne bılım sapasy. -Almaty, 2017. -104 b.