Рedagogy and Psychology
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
8D01101 180 3
Program Descriptions

      Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of pedagogy and psychology, creating strategies for the functioning and development of large institutional structures on a national scale, using logical methods, constructing and reproducing models of professional activity and interaction, proficient in the methodology of modeling and management of macro-social and macroeconomic systems.


The education program regulates goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of training for students and implementation of appropriate educational technology.

8D01101-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of  Educational Program «Pedagogy and psychology»

Education, science, culture, public service, private and public organizations.

- organizations of secondary education of all types and  kinds, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination;

- organizations of technical and professional education;

- higher education institutions;

- scientific- research institutes;

- institutes of professional development and retraining of education employees;

- authorized and local executives in the education field.


-training and educational;


- scientific research

- diagnoses;


- organizational (managerial);

- forming



1-uses information from international scientific databases to write research papers, applying the principles of academic integrity within the framework of scientific ethics. (РО1)
2-rocesses and evaluates the results obtained for solving professional tasks in the research field, planning and implementing current modern scientific research, conducting scientific research using quantitative and qualitative methods and using knowledge about the status of national and international publications of scientific research (LO2)
3-develops and analyzes the results of psychological and pedagogical research, interprets and diagnoses the results, makes decisions using them in the educational process.(LO3)
4-develops a prototype solution with new ideas, critically analyzing and comparing various scientific thoughts and theories with business applications of innovative technologies. (LO4)
5- demonstrates the ability to think, design, implement and adapt a substantial research process with a scientific approach, critically analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing new and complex ideas. (LO5)
6-demonstrates a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastering the skills and methods of research, communicating his/her knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public, contributing his/her own original research to expand the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserves publication at the national or international level (LO6)
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AH 7210 Academic writing Kazakh 5 1 1 -
GZA 7217 Research Methods Kazakh 5 2 2 -
PFA 7203 Philosophy and methodology of pedagogy Kazakh 5 1 2 -
PKBBSB 7301 Pedagogical qualimetry and education quality management Kazakh 5 1 2 -
ВВВAТ 7215 Educational program development technology Kazakh 5 1 2 -