Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
GZA 7217 Research Methods Бірінші курс 5 150 2 2 -
Course Descriptions
Kuralbayeva Aliya Ahmetkarimovna

To develop skills and knowledge in doctoral students about the methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information used in the performance of dissertations and writing scientific articles. This allows the student to choose qualitative and quantitative methods of research in their dissertation. It allows the student to understand the essence ask and solve scientific problems at the modern level of science.



Oral-written (analysis, evaluation, compilation) presentation, glossary, bibliography, project defense

1-uses information from international scientific databases to write research papers, applying the principles of academic integrity within the framework of scientific ethics. (РО1)
2Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastering the skills and methods of research, communicating his/her knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public, contributing his/her own original research to expand the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserves publication at the national or international level LO6):
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The role of philosophy in educational research: The researcher's belief system as a research paradigm
2The role of philosophy in educational research: The researcher's belief system as a research paradigm
3Basic concepts and stages of educational research
4Basic concepts and stages of educational research
5Literature review
6Survey as a method of quantitative research
7Action Research
8Action Research
9Case study as a method of qualitative research
10Interview as a method of qualitative research
11Interview as a method of qualitative research
12Ethical issues in educational research
13Ethical issues in educational research
14Collecting qualitative data in educational research
15Data analysis and interpretation
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Qosanov B.M. Pedagogıkalyq eksperıment nátıjelerіn óńdeýdіń matematıkalyq ádіsterі. 2021 j.
2Aıdarbek Á.O. Ǵylymı zertteýler ádіsterі. 2022 j.
3Kentbaeva B.A. Metodologııa Gaýchnyh ıssledovanıı. 2020 j.
4Asembaeva E.K. Ǵylymı zertteý ádіsterі. 2022 j.
5Abdıgalıeva T.B. Ǵylymı zertteýlerdіń ádіstemesі. 2020 j.
6Qazaqstan bіlіm zertteýshіlerіnіń ádep kodeksі. Bіrіnshі basylym. Nur-Sultan: Bіlіm berý salasyndaǵy zertteýshіlerdіń qazaqstandyq qoǵamy, 2020. 68 b.