Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AH 7210 Academic writing Бірінші курс 5 150 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
Torybaeva J. Z. Z.Z.-Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khodja Ahmed Yasavi, Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Tel no: 3-21-67 (160), e-mail: zhamilya.toribaeva@ayu.kz

Тhis course shows doctoral students ways of writing, designing, conducting research work within the framework of general academic principles in accordance with the requirements of general academic integrity and methods of their comparative analysis, evaluation. International scientific databases and various scientific publishers will also be introduced to teach you how to work with masonry, how and where to use their products. The course will present methods and programmes for plagiarism checking and referencing of research papers.



Brainstorming, case studies, methods for the development of critical thinking and writing, methods for the development of creativity, narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem-based learning methods.

1uses information from international scientific databases to write research papers, applying the principles of academic integrity within the framework of scientific ethics. (РО1).
2Develops and analyzes the results of psychological and pedagogical research, interprets and diagnoses the results, makes decisions using them in the educational process.(LO3)
3Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the field of study, mastering the skills and methods of research, communicating his/her knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public, contributing his/her own original research to expand the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserves publication at the national or international level LO6):
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Academic writing as process, product and experienceАуызша
2Introduction to researchСұрақ-жауап
3Strategy and basic principles of working with scientific dataпрезентация
4Research Ethics. Plagiarism and problems with scientific citations and referencesпрезентация
5Types of scientific information texts, their features.Сөздік
6Scientific report, its types and featuresСұрақ-жауап
7Abstract as a special genre of scientific informationАуызша
8Scientific monographпрезентация
9Scientific review (feedback)Ауызша және жазбаша
10Organisation of scientific project activityСұрақ-жауап
11The concept of publication activity of a researcher.презентация
12Structure of scientific articlesArticle
13Peculiarities of structuring and writing an article for publication in international journals.презентация
14Strategy and methodology of work on the doctoral thesisпрезентация
15System of work on the doctoral thesis implementationtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nūğysova A. Ğylymi-pedagogikalyqzertteulerdıūiymdastyru. Almaty: Otan, 2016
2Dinaeva B.B., Sapina S.M. Akademialyqsauattylyqtyñteorialyqjänepraktikalyqnegızderı: oquqūraly. Nūr-Sūltan, 2020.-200b.
3Smağūlov J.K.,Takirov S.U., Rüstemova J.A. Gumanitarlyqğylymdarsalasyndağylymizertteudıūiymdastyrujäne josparlau.-Qarağandy,2014.
4İsenova F.K. Akademicheskoe pismo ichtenie. Astana:Kazahskigumanitarno-iuridicheskiuniversitet, 2016
5Korotkina İ.B. Akademicheskoe pismo: proses, productipraktika: uchebnikdlävuzov. M.:İurait, 2016
6Joldybaeva G.S. Metodologiaimetodynauchnyhissledovani: elektronnyiuchebnik. Karaganda, 2016