Program Code Number of Credits Education time
6B05449 240 4
Program Descriptions
1- зерттелетін салада мәліметтерді жинақтау және сыни көзқараспен талдау нәтижесінде өз бетінше шешімдер қабылдау арқылы көшбасшылық қабілетті қалыптастырады (ОН1);
2- интернационалдық ортада мемлекеттік және шетел тілдерінде кәсіби, академиялық, ғылыми және әлеуметтік қарым-қатынастар орнатады (ОН2);
3- кәсіби қызметінде ғылыми зерттеу әдістерін, академиялық жазба негізіндерін, академиялық адалдық принциптері мен мәдениетін қолданады (ОН3);
4- кәсіби қызметінде қоғамның рухани құндылықтарын және экономикалық, экологиялық, құқықтың, сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы қағидаттарын сақтайды (ОН4);
5-математиканың әртүрлі бағыттарының есептерін шешу үшін математиканың ережелерін, заңдары мен әдістерін қолданады (ОН5);
6-іргелі математикадан алған теориялық білімдерін математиканың әртүрлі салаларындағы процестер мен құбылыстарды сипаттауда қолданады (ОН6);
7-іргелі және қолданбалы есептерді шешуде математиканың классикалық әдістерін қолданады (ОН7);
8-іргелі және қолданбалы практикалық есептерді шешу үшін математикалық модельдеу әдістерін қолданады (ОН8);
9-іргелі математиканың классикалық есептерінің қойылымдарын дұрыс қоя отырып, есепті шешеді (ОН9);
10-математиканың әртүрлі бағыттарының есептерін зерттеуде теориялық және математикалық-статистикалық әдістерді қолданады (ОН10);
11-математиканың әртүрлі салаларының практикалық есептерін шешуде компьютерлік бағдарламаларды пайдаланып, есепті сауатты шығарады (OH11).
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AKM 42101 Actuarial and financial mathematics Kazakh 5 1 2 2
AKM 42101 Actuarial and Financial Mathematics English 5 1 2
AKM 42101 Actuarial and financial mathematics English 5 1 2
AKM 42101 Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Turkish 5 1 2
AZhK 1247 Introduction to Academic Writing Kazakh 3 1 2
AZhK 1247 Introduction to academic writing English 3 2 1
AZhK 1247 Introduction to Academic Writing English 3 2 1
AZhK 1247 Introduction to academic writing Turkish 3 2 1
А1283 Mathematical programming Russian 5 1 2
А1283 Mathematical Programming Kazakh 5 1 2 1
А1283 Algebra 1 Turkish 5 1 2
А1283 Algebra 1 Kazakh 5 1 2
А1283 Mathematical Programming Turkish 5 1 2
А1283 Algebra 1 English 5 1 2
А1283 Mathematical Programming English 5 1 2
А1283 Аlgebra 1 English 5 1 2
АG1266 Analytical geometry Turkish 5 1 2
АG1266 Analytic geometry Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
АG1266 Analytic geometry English 5 1 2
АG1266 Analytical geometry Russian 5 1 2
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МТ 1284 Mathematical analysis I Russian 6 1 3
МТ 1284 Mathematical analysis І Turkish 6 1 3
МТ 1284 Mathematical analysis І Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 6 1 3
МТ 1284 Mathematical analysis І English 6 1 3
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АІ 1283 Algebra 2 Turkish 5 1 2
АІ 1283 Аlgebra 2 English 5 1 2
АІ 1283 Аlgebra 2 Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
ЕЕМ-3297 Economic and mathematical modeling Russian 5 1 3
ЕЕМ-3297 Economic mathematical modeling Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 3
ЕЕМ-3297 Economic and mathematical modeling Turkish 5 1 3
ЕЕМ-3297 Economic mathematical modeling English 5 1 3
МТ 2286 Mathematical analysis II Russian 6 1 3
МТ 2286 Mathematical analysis ІІ Turkish 6 1 3
МТ 2286 Mathematical analysis ІІ Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 6 1 3
МТ 2286/ Mathematical analysis ІІ English 6 1 3
IV. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
: ZhDT 2288 Simple differential equations I Turkish 4 1 2
ZhDT 2288 Simple differential equations I Russian 4 1 2
ZhDT 2288 Simple differential equations I Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 4 1 2
ZhDT 2288 Simple differential equations I English 4 1 2
МА1205 Mathematical Analysis III Russian 6 1 3
МА1205 Mathematical analysis III Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 6 1 3
МА1205 Mathematical analysis III Turkish 6 1 3
МА1205 Mathematical analysis III English 6 1 3
V. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DG3295 Differential geometry and topology Russian 5 1 2
DG3295 Differential Geometry and Topology Turkish 5 1 2
DG3295 Differential geometry and topology English 5 1 2
DG3295 Differential geometry and topology Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
DMML 3296 Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical logic Turkish 5 1 2
DMML 3296 Discrete Mathematics and mathematical logic Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
DMML 3296 Discrete Mathematics and mathematical logic English 5 1 2
DMML 3296 Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic Russian 5 1 2
KT 3291 Complex analysis Russian 5 1 2
KT 3291 Comprehensive analysis Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
KT 3291 Comprehensive analysis Turkish 5 1 2
KT 3291 Comprehensive analysis English 5 1 2
LIOT 3382 Measure theory and the Lebesgue integral Russian 5 1 2
LIOT 3382 Lebesgue integral and measurement theory Turkish 5 1 2
LIOT 3382 Theory of Measure and Lebegs Integrals Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
LIOT 3382 Theory of Measure and Lebegs Integrals English 5 1 2
ST 3292 Fundamentals of number theory Russian 5 1 2
ST 3292 Fundamentals of Number Theory Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
ST 3292 Fundamentals of number theory Turkish 5 1 2
ST 3292 Fundamentals of Number Theory English 5 1 2
ZhDT 3288 Simple differential equations II Russian 4 1 2
ZhDT 3288 Simple differential equations II Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 4 1 2
ZhDT 3288 Simple differential equations II Turkish 4 1 2
ZhDT 3288 Simple differential equations II English 4 1 2
ЕМN 3294 Fundamentals of computational mathematics Turkish 5 1 2
ЕМN 3294 Fundamentals of computational mathematics English 5 1 2
ЕМN 3294 Fundamentals of computational mathematics Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
ЕМN 3294 Fundamentals of Computational Mathematics Russian 5 1 2
VI. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BFOK 3381 Integer functions and applications Turkish 5 1 2
BFOK 3381 Integer functions and their applications Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
BFOK 3381 Integer functions and their applications English 5 1 2
BFOK 3381 Integer functions and their applications. Russian 5 1 2
FT 3290 Functional analysis Russian 5 1 2
FT 3290 Functional Analysi Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
FT 3290 Functional Analysis Turkish 5 1 2
FT 3290 Functional Analysis English 5 1 2
KT 3376 Series theory Russian 5 1 2
KT 3376 Series theory Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
KT 3376 Series theory Turkish 5 1 2
KT 3376 Series theory English 5 1 2
OTVMI 3302 Probability theory and mathematical statistics Russian 6 15 45
OTVMI 3302 Probability theory and mathematical statistics Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 6 15 45
OTVMI 3302 Probability Theory and Mathematical statistics Turkish 6 15 45
OTVMI 3302 Probability theory and mathematical statistics English 6 15 45
Top 3380 Fundamentals of Fourier analysis Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
VII. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
: IT4299 Integral transformations Turkish 5 1 2
IT4299 Integral transformations Russian 5 1 2
IT4299 Integral transformations Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
IT4299 Integral transformations English 5 1 2
MFT 4377 Mathematical Physics Equations Kazakh 5 1 2
MFT 4377 Equations of mathematical physics Russian 5 1 2
MFT 4377 Mathematical physics equations Turkish 5 1 2
MFT 4377 Mathematical Physics Equations English 5 1 2
MIEK 42102 Additional chapters of mathematical statistics Russian 5 15 30
MIEK 42102 Additional Chapters of Mathematical Statistics Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 15 30
MIEK 42102 Additional chapters of mathematical statistics Turkish 5 15 30
MZATK 3293 Use of Information Technologies in Mathematical Research Turkish 5 1 3
MZATK 3293 Use of Information Technologies in Mathematical Research Kazakh 5 1 3
MZATK 3293 Use of Information Technologies in Mathematical Research English 5 1 3
OTN 6312 Theory of Operators Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
Top 3380 Topology Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
VK 42103 Variational slope Turkish 5 1 2
VK 42103 The Calculus of Variations Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
VK 42103 The Calculus of Variations English 5 1 2
VK 42103 Variational calculation Russian 5 1 2
А1283 Integral equations Russian 5 1 2
А1283 Operator theory Russian 5 1 2
А1283 Integral equations Turkish 5 1 2
А1283 Integral Equations Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 1 2
А1283 Operation theory Turkish 5 1 2
А1283 Integral Equations English 5 1 2
А1283 Operator theories English 5 1 2
VIII. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KMKZM 4378 Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics Russian 7 1 4
KMKZM 4378 Contemporary problems of applied mathematics Turkish 7 1 2
KMKZM 4378 Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 7 1 4
KMKZM 4378 Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics English 7 1 4
MZATK 3293 The use of information technology in mathematical research Russian 5 1 3
UI 4387 Applied statistics Russian 5 15 30
UI 4387 Applied statistics Turkish 5 15 30
UI 4387 Applied Statistics Russian, Turkish, English, Kazakh 5 15 30
UI 4387 Applied Statistics English 5 15 30