Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MZATK 3293 Use of Information Technologies in Mathematical Research төртінші курс 5 150 1 3
Course Descriptions
B. Kh. Turmetov

In the case of informatization of education, the solution of many mathematical problems can be simplified through automation on a personal computer. In the process of using the possibilities of information computer technologies in mathematical problems, students strengthen their knowledge, in addition, they teach and study many subjects of mathematics, and conduct scientific research. They study the principles of working with scientific publications, databases and analyze the results of scientific research using a software package.

Group work, blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case-stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection creativity teaching methods, Group work, cloud technology, IT method, Case-study method, group project work method, professional skill improvement method, problem composition method, Modular teaching technology.
1Apply the theoretical knowledge gained in fundamental mathematics to the description of processes and phenomena in various fields of mathematics (LO6);
2Uses methods of mathematical modeling to solve fundamental and applied practical problems(LO 8);
3- Competently solves with the help of computer programs when solving practical problems in various areas of mathematics(LO11);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to mathematical programs. Initial concepts of the Maple system.презентация
2Solving elementary algebra problems in the Maple system.презентация
3Применение системы Maple при решении задач векторной алгебры.презентация
4The use of the Maple system in solving geometry problems.презентация
5Graphing the function.Жазбаша
6Limits and calculation of derivatives and integrals in the Maple systemЖазбаша
7Function research in MapleЖазбаша
8The study of multivariate functions in Maple.презентация
9The structure of the programming language in the Maple system.презентация
10Procedures and functions of the Maple systemпрезентация
11Procedure and orders for solving differential equations in the Maple systemпрезентация
12Procedure and orders for solving differential equations in the Maple systemпрезентация
13Solving differential equations with independent derivativesЖазбаша
14Solving differential equations with independent derivativesЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. H.I. Ibrashev, Sh.T. Erkeǵulov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq. - Novoe ızd. – Almaty. Ekonomıka, 2014. 562b RMEB.
22. Á.J. Ásibekov, M.D.Qoshanova. Matematıkalyq taldaý: Oqý quraly. 2018j.
33. O. A. Jáýtikov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq.- Almaty : 'Ekonomıka' baspasy, 2014. - 832 s. RMEB.
44. B.T. Qalymbetov Kóp aınymaly fýnksıalar. 'Matematıkalyq taldaý' kýrsy boıynsha oqý- ádistemelik qural. Túrkistan, 2015.
55.V.A.Mamaeva. Matematıkalyq taldaýdan tájirıbelik jumystardy oryndaýǵa arnalǵan ádistemelik nusqaý. 2-bólim. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. 2017j