History Teacher Education
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
8D01604 180 3
Program Descriptions

Training of competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of education and science, capable of implementing professional competencies related to modern requirements, possessing innovative research methodologies and teaching methods, and practical skills

The education program regulates goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of training for students and implementation of appropriate educational technology.

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the educational program «8D01604-History»

Research institutes, research and production institutions , departments of local and regional administrations, research and expert institutions, General education institutions and educational institutions of professional education

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are: Universities, colleges, high schools , research institutes, museums, research and design institutions, departments and departments under district and regional akimats, branch divisions, departments of Republican departments; research, scientific and expert institutions, etc.

Performs scientific research; implements the results of scientific research in production; organizes information and search work in the chosen scientific direction; provides teaching of disciplines

1Draws up scientific research and pedagogical experiments in compliance with academic integrity and publishes the results and conclusions of research in domestic and foreign publications (РО1).
2-Rocesses and evaluates the results obtained for solving professional tasks in the research field, planning and implementing current modern scientific research, conducting scientific research using quantitative and qualitative methods and using knowledge about the status of national and international publications of scientific research (LO2);
3Develops and analyzes the results of psychological and pedagogical research, interprets and diagnoses the results, makes decisions using them in the educational process (LO3).
4uses scientific discoveries and views in the study of historical processes, events and phenomena through critical analysis (LO4).
5Develops strategic solutions in the field of research, uses modern theoretical and methodological foundations of historical science (LO5).
6Implements scientific and pedagogical competencies, developing leadership abilities, professional skills and personal qualities (LO6).
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TKZhKTOM 7301 The population of the Turkestan region in the XVIII-early XXI centuries (ethnopolitical and social and cultural aspects) Turkish, Kazakh 5 1 2
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HPINH 7218 Historical Psychology in National History Kazakh 5 15 15 -
HPTAP 7219 Historical Personalism: Theory and Practice Kazakh 5 15 15 -
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
CIOKHICOIK 7304 Key ıssues of Kazakhstan's hıstory ın the sıtuatıon of ındependent Kazakhstan Kazakh 5 15 30 0