History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TKZhKTOM 7301 The population of the Turkestan region in the XVIII-early XXI centuries (ethnopolitical and social and cultural aspects) Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Turkish, Kazakh

The course studies a complex of interdisciplinary-comparative scientific research aimed at the historical and ethnological study of the history of the Turkestan region. The doctoral student analyzes the close interaction and interpenetration of various economic, cultural, and civilizational complexes in the region, which significantly impacted the processes of genesis, the evolution of ethnic groups, and the ethnolanguage situation. The establishment of cultural continuity, the development and mutual influence of social and political institutions of the traditional trade and handicraft and settled urban population with the involvement of interdisciplinary research forms a model of ethno-social relations.



Brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, creative learning methods, narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, project work method, professional development method, problem-based learning method

1XVIII-XXI. in the century, he mastered the history of the peoples of the Turkestan region. Establishes the cultural continuity of peoples within the framework of historical events. New approaches in the direction of scientific research are being formed on the basis of written data. By reviewing the data during the lesson, he can systematize the events of the period in question in a meaningful, material, chronological order.
2masters the political and social situation of the Turkestan people under tsarist Russia. Get acquainted with the archaeological and historical data of the Kokand period in the Turkestan region.
3can determine the religious, political, social, and cultural status of the Turkestan people on the eve of Soviet power. Studies historical events of the XVIII-XXI centuries. This improves objective views and critical thinking at this stage.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The political and social climate of the city of Turkestan under tsarist Russia (the second half of the XIX – early XX century)
2The city of Turkestan under the rule of Kokand
3Establishment of the Russian authorities in the city of Turkestan
4Turkestan is the county seat
5Socio-economic life of the city
6Turkestan during the Revolution in Russia and under the USSR (1917-1989))
7The city of Turkestan under the Provisional Government
8The city of Turkestan and national autonomies
9The socio-economic situation of the city of Turkestan in the pre-war period
10Participation of Turkestanis in the Great Patriotic War and contribution to victory
11Political, socio-economic development of the city in the post-war years
12Socio-economic and cultural development of the city of Turkestan in the period before independence (1985-1991)
13The city of Turkestan in the early years of independence
14The city of Turkestan at the beginning of the new century
15The city of Turkestan is the center of the Turkestan region
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1History of Kazakhstan( Kazakh country): a textbook consisting of 4 books / M. education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, named after Al-Farabi. Kaznu kurast: T. O. Omarbekov, K. S. Karazhan, M. zh.Tashenev and others - Almaty: Kazakh UN, 2016.book 3: Kazakhstan under the pressure of colonial and totalitarian systems. – 453 P.
2History and Ethnography of the peoples of Central Asia. Training manual. Almaty. 2017. K. Kalshabaeva
3XXI century: unity, unity and development of the history and culture of the Turkic peoples in the epics of the Turkic World K. Mambetov. - Turkestan: Mirza, 2016 . - 66 P.
4A brief overview of the history of the Turkestan region until the twentieth century; historical and cognitive narrative. 2018. M. Abdakimovich
5Demographic development of Kazakhstan: methodological foundations, trends and key priorities. Edited by A.A.Satybaldina. - Almaty : In-here economy. BOOK OF the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016. - 140 p.