History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HPINH 7218 Historical Psychology in National History Бірінші курс 5 150 15 15 -
Course Descriptions
Tursun Khazretali Makhanuly

Research approaches at the intersection of interdisciplinary connections are methodologically studied. Ways of scientific restoration of the content of history using research methods of historical and psychological sciences are considered. A historical and psychological portrait of historical figures is created. The methodological and theoretical problems of modern historical and psychological research are analyzed. The importance of the formation of historical and scientific culture of future specialists is revealed. The problems of the Scientific School in the training of young scientists are considered.

of a doctoral student, which includes the fulfillment of a doctoral dissertation
research work, research practice, dissertation writing

New and modern history of Kazakhstan. of the science of history
methodology, historical knowledge and process.

group project work method; problem-based learning technologies; modular teaching technology, critical thinking.

1-Conducting information-analytical and information-bibliographic work in the specialty historian. It comprehensively studies, analyzes, systematizes;
2- Ability to solve problems of practical organization of work skills and methods of work in the field of professional activity;
3- Carries out a critical analysis of historiography, source Studies, examination of historical periods and processes based on the interpretation of innovative approaches and results of historical research..
4- Develops leadership and creative abilities, communication skills in tolerance of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences;
5-In work on the analysis of scientific and reference literature in archives and museums, in further professional activities, use the acquired skills based on the historical problem and creating and designing a historical information base.
6- Formation of a person working in secondary education organizations on the updated content of Education.
7- Have the ability to generalize, critically analyze and interpret a scientific text.
8мәселеге күмәнсіз сипатта қарауға, пайымдауға қабілетті.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The purpose and objectives of teaching the discipline. Content of the discipline
2The place of historical psychology between natural and humanitarian knowledge
3Specific features of the subject and object of historical psychology
4The theoretical essence and place of historical psychology in the development of the theory of general psychology and historical sciences
5Basic principles of historical and psychological recovery
6The role and practical significance of historical psychology in finding solutions to current modern problems
7Borderline connections of historical psychology in the system of psychology and other branches of science
8Features of German, French, American and Russian scientific schools in the study of' Psycho-history 'or' psychology of history
9Reflection of the principle of the relationship between the present tense and the past tense and the theoretical stages of its restoration
10The activities of the historian in the 'psychology of history'
11The main categories and concepts used in the study of the problems of historical psychology.
12Features of the psychology of history in ethno-history
13Historical psychological type of people in Soviet-totalitarian society
14Historical psychological type of people in an independent society
15Kazakh mentality and psychology of history. The relationship and integration of ethnopsychology and ethno-history
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Theory and practice of historical Personology. 2020. H. Tursun
22. Historical figures of the Kazakh people, 2011.
33.Discussion of issues of national identity in Kazakhstan's journalism during the period of independence, 2011. Sadykov S.
44. Ashimbayev D. who is who in Kazakhstan. Biographic encyclopedia. 2012-2013. - Almaty, 2012.-1272 P.
55. Asylbekov M.-A. H. About personalities and history. - Almaty: Abai Kaznpu. 2014. - 480 P.
66. The Kazakh Khanate as the sovereign state of the Middle Ages. 2015 [electronic resource]. http://library.ayu.edu.kz / (3,24 MB. Sarsembayev M. A.
77. Tursun H. persons of Turkestan origin. - Almaty: 2021.380 P.