History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HPTAP 7219 Historical Personalism: Theory and Practice Бірінші курс 5 150 15 15 -
Course Descriptions
Tursun Khazretali Makhanuly

In the content of the discipline, the theoretical foundations of historical Personology are considered. At the same time, approaches to the application of theoretical knowledge are mastered and qualifications are formed. Doctoral students get acquainted with the theoretical and methodological problems of historical personality studies, acquire professional skills. the main problem of the process of historical knowledge is historical fact. This issue aroused interest in the theoretical and cognitive aspects and their intensive elaboration. Historical fact is a fundamental category of historical knowledge. The nature of historical science and the basis of all scientific theories are facts. Only a historical fact can reveal the cognitive possibilities of historiography.

Докторлық диссертацияның орындалуын қамтитын докторанттың
ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысы, Зерттеу практикасы, диссертация жазу

Қазақстанның жаңа және қазіргізаман тарихы. Тарих ғылымының
методологиясы, Тарихи таным және процесс.

group project work method; problem-based learning technologies; modular teaching technology, critical thinking.

1- methodology, history, pedagogy and psychology evaluate and test knowledge in the field of science, diagnose research in the scientific field at a high level, carry out comprehensive monitoring based on analysis and generalization, create scientific publications in international print media, reflect the established research culture and norms of scientific ethics, demonstrate and apply the scientific methodological apparatus in historical science and research.
2- has theoretical knowledge of the problems of the civilization of World History (History of the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the history of new and modern times); is able to determine the relationship of historical phenomena and events with the general paradigm of world historical development.
3-Demonstrate fundamental knowledge about the main stages of the history of Kazakhstan, as well as the social and political history of the Turkic states.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Research on historical figures
2Historical personsresearch methods in studies
3Correlation of history, personality and society
4The Institute of Khan-Sultans, biys and batyrs and poets-zhyrau
5Criteria for assessing the activities of historical figures
6Leadership criteria
7Personality and national idea
8Psychology of struggle: leader, Hero, priest, politician
9History and national interest
10Turkic unity-ethnic unity: political and confessional factors
11Jadithism and socio-political modernization
12From social enlightenment to political enlightenment
13Creative orientation of personalities of politics and art
14The ratio of the political elite and the party-state nomenclature
15Historical Personology and the national elite at the present stage
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Theory and practice of historical Personology. 2020. H. Tursun
22. Historical figures of the Kazakh people, 2011.
33.Discussion of issues of national identity in Kazakhstan's journalism during the period of independence, 2011. Sadykov S.
44. Ashimbayev D. who is who in Kazakhstan. Biographic encyclopedia. 2012-2013. - Almaty, 2012.-1272 P.
55. Asylbekov M.-A. H. about personalities and history. - Almaty: Abai Kaznpu. 2014. - 480 P.
66. The Kazakh Khanate as the sovereign state of the Middle Ages. 2015 [electronic resource]. http://library.ayu.edu.kz / (3,24 MB. Sarsembayev M. A.
77. Tursun H. persons of Turkestan origin. - Almaty: 2021.380 P.