History Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
CIOKHICOIK 7304 Key ıssues of Kazakhstan's hıstory ın the sıtuatıon of ındependent Kazakhstan Екінші курс 5 150 15 30 0
Course Descriptions
Associate professor B.S. Sizdikov

Analysis of the theoretical and methodological problems of the science of the history of Kazakhstan during the years of independence and, as a result, determining the actual problems and main directions, achievements and shortcomings of the science of national history.

Scientific seminar

Group project work method; project methods of education, problem-based learning technologies; modular teaching technology, critical thinking, Case-study method.

11 - Designing research activity II seminar can form new thinking and action skills for education based on the results of competence of the subject.
22 - Can organize new teaching methods as the main resource of professional improvement, can prepare them from a scientific and methodological point of view.
33 - The results of pedagogical design and discriminate evaluation.
44 – Offers technology for designing pedagogical activities.
55 – Organizes and discusses the design activities of scholars.
66 – Defines design and reflection in the Designing Research Activity II workshop.
77 - organizes the activity of doctoral students as the main resource of professional formation, conducts them from a scientific and theoretical point of view.
88 - Qualifies the logic of implementation of pedagogical design.
99 - compares the development program of the pedagogical formulation according to the design technology.
1010 - implements the methodology of evaluating students' design work.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Principles of historical processesАуызша
2The beginning of updating the methodology of national history researchАуызша
3Traditional methodological directions and issues of ancient Turkic historyАуызша
4Theoretical-methodological bases of the study of topical issues of historyАуызша
5Theory of the Asian method of productionАуызша
6Analysis of data related to ethno-political history of Turkic peoplesАуызша
7Turkish Khaganate and their role in historyпрезентация
8The influence of the Golden Horde state in the Eurasian spaceАуызша
9Different views on the chronology of Kazakh statehoodЖазбаша
10Soviet and modern view of the character of the Kazakh khanateАуызша
11The policy of colonization of the Kazakh steppe of the Russian EmpireСұрақ-жауап
12The establishment of the administrative-principal system in the Soviet Union, its crisisАуызша
13Democratization of the political system of Kazakhstan, creation of a civilized market economy and legal stateАуызша
14Contemporary historical science and historical consciousness in independent KazakhstanАуызша
15Historical consciousness is the spiritual foundation of independenceпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Muhatova O. Patshalyk Reseydіn otarlau sayasatynyn aleumettіk-ekonomikalyk saldary. Oku қuraly / O.Muhatova. – Almaty: Kazak un-tі, 2020. – 88 b.
2Abzhanov H. Kazaқstan: ulyttyk tarihy, ideya, metodologiya. / H.Abzhanov. - Almaty: Eltanym, 2014 -328 b.
3Mekebaev T.K. 1917 zhylgy Reseydegі akpan tonkerіsі zhane onyn Kazakstanga aserі: Oku kuraly. / T.K.Mekebaev, Zh.Zh.Қumganbaev. - Almaty: Kazak un-tі, 2017. - 140 b.
4Salgaraev M. Reseydің syrtky sayasaty (XI gasyrdyn sony XX fasyrdyn basy). Oku adіstemelіk қural. / M.Salgaraev. – Turkіstan: HKTU, 2014. – 190 b.
5Kazakstan (Kazak elі) tarihy: 4 kіtaptan turatyn okulyk. Kazakstan otarshyldyk zhane totalitarlyk zhuyenіn kyspagynda. 3 kіtap. / Avtor: T.O.Omarbekov, G.S.Sultangalieva, t.b. – Almaty: Kazak un-tі, 2016. – 454 b.
6Zholseytova M. Kazakstandagy halyk agartu іsіnіn kalyptasuy men damu tarihy (XIX gasyrdyң II zhartysy – XX gasyrdyn bas kezі). Monografiya. – Turkіstan: «Turan», 2022. – 172 b.
7Zhoraeva G.T. Alash kozgalysynyn tarihy. Oku қuraly. / G.T.Zhoraeva. – Turkіstan: «Turan», 2018. – 130 b.
8Atabekkyzy R. Alashtyn bіr asyly – Sultanbek Kozhanov. monografiya. / R.Atabekkyzy.- Kentau. Erkіn i K-XXI, 2014. -306 b.