Program Code Number of Credits Education time
6B02267 240 4
Program Descriptions

Preparation of bachelors with a philological education, who own a specific system of Turkic languages, are able to relatively determine the historical process of linguistic continuity and use this knowledge at a professional level in the field of Turkic studies.

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, as well as an assessment of the quality of graduate training in this area of training, and contains materials that determine the quality of training of students and the implementation of appropriate educational technologies.

Bachelor of Humanitarian Knowledge in The Educational Program  6B02267 – Turkology

According to the educational program 6B02267 – Turkology graduates work in research institutes and educational institutions (universities, colleges, gymnasiums), cultural institutions (tourist and foreign companies), the field of intercultural communication (Department of external relations, translation service, press service).

-in state and non- state higher education institutions; 
-state bodies in the field of education; 
-research institutes; 
-centers for standardization and certification; 
-institutes system of professional development and retraining of education workers; 
-the commissioner and local executive bodies in the field of education.

-scientific and pedagogical organization, performer in the field of Turkology; 
-development and organization of scientific research and programs; 
-preparation of materials, documents for publication, publication in the mass media; 
-work as a reference in international organizations.

1Forms leadership qualities, taking independent decisions on the basis of collection and critical analysis of data in the studied area
2Inserts professional, academic, scientific and social attitudes into state and foreign languages in an international environment.
3Applies in professional activity the methods of scientific research, the basis of academic writing, principles and culture of academic honesty.
4Observes spiritual values and economic, ecological, provocative and anti-corruption principles, society in professional activity.
5Describes the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical features of modern Turkic languages.
6Analyzes the features of the development of nomadic culture, the historical periods of the Turkic languages, the processes of differentiation of the Kypchak, Oguz and Karluk language groups.
7мasters the skills of transliteration of written monuments of the Karakhanid period, medieval written texts.
8Using ancient and medieval sources related to Turkic studies, he is able to express his ideas of an important undertaking to study historical relics, study the history and knowledge of the Turkic world.
9Highlighting on the basis of new directions and concepts of literary criticism the literary works of the Turkic peoples from a literary point of view, determines the topical issues to be studied.
10Formulates ideas related to the linguistic concept of the Turkic world based on the history, theory, methodology of the development of the science of Turkic studies, based on cultural monuments and sources of the Turkic peoples.
11Conducts comparative research in the field of grammar, vocabulary, linguoculturology and ethnolinguistics of the Turkic peoples.
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TTK 1201 Introduction to Turkology Turkish 5 2 3 0
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TDKS 1203 Comparative Syntax of the Turkic Languages Turkish 4 1 1 0
TМ 2206 Turkish Mythology Turkish 3 1 2 0
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KT 2103 Leadership Theory Turkish 5 1 2 0
TDTM 2204 Historical Morphology of Turkic Languages Turkish 4 1 2 0
THEZh 2205 Ethnicity of Turkic Peoples Turkish 4 1 1 0
IV. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ChTDKSB 2208 Comparative Phonetics of Contemporary Turkic Languages Turkish 4 1 2 0
OATHEST 2209 Ethno-Political History of Central Asian Turkic Peoples Turkish 4 1 1 0
TDBT 2211 History of Turkic Linguistics Turkish 3 1 1 0
THGYY 2222 Nomadic and Settled Civilization of Turkish Peoples Turkish 3 1 2 0
THGYY 2222 Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Turkish Peoples Turkish 3 1 1 0
TYP 2207 Methodological Principles of Turkic Studies Turkish 4 1 1 0
V. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KTHADT 3213 Development Trends in the Literature of Modern Turkic Peoples Turkish 5 5 5 0
OChTE 3212 Medieval Turkic Literature Turkish 5 1 2 0
TDTL 3335 Historical Dialects of Turkic Languages Turkish 5 1 2 0
TET 3224 Turkology and Critical Theory Turkish 5 1 2 0
TF 3327 Turkish Folklore Turkish 5 1 2 0
THAZh 3216 Literary Genres of Turkic Peoples Turkish 5 5 5 0
THED 3215 Epics of Turkish Peoples Turkish 5 1 2 0
THETE 3214 Old Turkish Literature of Turkish Peoples Turkish 5 5 5 0
TZh 3225 The Geography оf Turkestan Turkish 5 5 5 0
VI. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ABT 3226 Fundamentals of Altai Science Turkish 5 1 2 0
GAB 3218 Gokturk Alphabet Science Turkish 5 1 2 0
HBAYT 3230 Folklore Research Methodology Turkish 5 1 2 0
THE 3217 Literature of Turkish Peoples Turkish 5 1 2 0
VII. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ChYE 4220 Written Works in Chagatai Turkish 5 5 5 0
OYA 421 Written Works in Ottoman Language Turkish 5 5 5 0
TAY 4221 Research Methods of Turkology Turkish 5 1 2 0
TTL 4345 Lexicology of Turkic Languages Turkish 5 1 2 0
VIII. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
D 6000 Diploma Work Turkish 8 0 8 0