Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
THAZh 3216 Literary Genres of Turkic Peoples Үшінші курс 5 150 5 5 0
Course Descriptions
Yerlan Zhiyenbayev

to form an understanding of the cognitive content, literary style, genre features of the literary works of various genres in the literature of the Turkic people. The subject is aimed at providing the student with detailed information about the theory of literary genres. As a result of studying the subject, one learns the history of formation and development of oral and written samples of poetry, prose and drama genres of the literature of the Turkic peoples.



Expression (Description, Presentation) method
Question and answer method
Discussion method
Problem solving method

1gets bibliographic knowledge about literary genres and is able to analyze
2can collect and explain information about literary genres
3can conduct comparative research on literary genres
4can use their knowledge of literary genres professionally in educational institutions
5can comment on literary genres and express his own opinion
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Studies on the history of Contemporary Turkic LiteraturesСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
2Features of the literature of the Turkic peoples of the oral periodСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
3Literature of Turkish peoples in the Islamic PeriodАуызшапрезентация
4Literary genres in the literature of Western Turkish peoples (Literatures of Balkan, Cypriot, Gagauz, Crimean Turkish peoples)Ауызшапрезентация
5Literary genres in the literature of Western Turkic peoples (Turkish Literature)Ауызшапрезентация
6Literary genres in the literature of Itil-Ural Turkic peoples (Bashkir literature)Ауызшапрезентация
7Literary genres in Volga-Ural Turks literature (Tatar, Chuvash literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
8Literary genres in Caucasian Turks literature (Azerbaijan, Karachay-Balkar Turks Literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
9Literary genres in Caucasian Turks literature (Kumuk, Nogay Turks Literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
10Central Asian Turks literature (Kazakh Literature)Ауызшапрезентация
11Central Asian Turks literature (Karakalpak, Kyrgyz Turks Literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
12Central Asian Turks literature (Turkmen, Uzbek, Uyghur Turks Literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
13Literary genres in Siberian Turks literature (Altay, Khakass Turks Literatures)Ауызшапрезентация
14Literary genres in Siberian Turks literature (Tyva, Sakha Turks Literatures)Сұрақ-жауаппрезентация
15Comparison of the themes dominant in the Literary Genres of Turkish PeoplesСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Edebiyat Biliminde Kuram ve Yöntem, 2014, O.Solak. Ders kitabı
2Türk Halk Edebiyatı Kavramları ve Terimleri Sözlüğü,Doğan KAYA,2014
3Adebiet teoriyası. Antologiya Okulık. 4. T. 3-bas. Rivkin, 2019, aud. Zhumasheva Zh.
4Tanzimat dönemi Türk edebiyatı , 2016, N.Çetin. Ders kitabı
5Türk Edebiyatında İlk Mutasavvuflar. Fuat Köprülü. İstanbul: Alfa. 2020
6II.Mesrutiyet dönemi Türk edebiyatı. 2016. Cetisli, N. Cetin, A. Dogan, A. Gur Yardımcı Kitap