Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TМ 2206 Turkish Mythology Бірінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD, Assos. Prof. E. Adilbekova

It aims to acquire systematic knowledge about the mythology of Turkish people and to create the ability to recognize mythological elements. As a result of the examination of the subject, the student compares the place of Turkish mythology in world mythology, its features in terms of commonality and similarity, creates information about the typology of myths, phenomenology, features of mythological thought and worldview, cultural and worldview character of myths, and also obtains information about scientists' research on mythology and its results. becomes the owner.

Lexicology of Turkish Dialects

Introduction to Turkology

Lecture, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, brainstorming

1Gains knowledge about the field of study of Turkish mythology
2Understands the purpose and duty of literary studies through fields that take into account the history, theory, criticism, text and bibliography of Turkish mythology
3As a result of the study, the student can systematize the birth, formation and development of the Turkish mythology research field as a global science
4Makes inferences on works related to Turkish mythology research methods
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General information about Turkish Mythologyпрезентация
2Mythology and its sourcesпрезентация
3Ancient Turkish CultureЖазбаша
4Mythology and Turksпрезентация
5Mythology and ShamanismАуызша
6Turkish Culture and Turkish BeliefЖазбаша
7Animals in Turkish MythologyЖазбаша
8Sky Gods in Turkish Mythologytest
9Family in Turkish MythologyЖазбаша
10Epics in Turkish Mythologyпрезентация
11Information about Turks and IslamЖазбаша
12Traditions in Turkish Mythologytest
13Women and children in Turkish MythologyЖазбаша
14Turkish Culture and Natureпрезентация
15Creatures in Turkish MythologyЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Bahaeddin Öğel, Türk Mitоlоjisi, 2018
2Ali Berat Alptekin, Halk Bilim Araştırmaları, 2015
3E. Adilbekova, Türk Tarihinde Destanlar, 2019
4E. Adilbekova, Koblandı Batır Destanı ile Korkut arasındaki ilişkiler, 2018
5Seval Kasımoğlu, Türkiye’de Folklor Araştırmaları, 2018