Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
ITSR 2282 Ғылыми Зерттеулерге Кіріспе Екінші курс 3 90 15 15 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Маmyrbekova Aigul, Tuleshova Elmira

The discipline studies the general principles of organization of scientific research work, the choice of the direction of scientific research and the stages of scientific research work, theoretical and experimental research. During the course, students master the skills of information retrieval, modern methods of generating ideas in solving scientific and technical problems, assessing the economic efficiency of the topic. In the learning process, they develop the ability to make independent decisions based on the collection and critical analysis of data in the study area.

Аcademic scientific writing


Lecture: to report, to exchange opinions.

Practical lesson: oral analysis, problem solving, completing tasks and exercises, monitoring the level of students' knowledge, effective feedback on mastering competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL - the appropriate teaching method is selected for the specifics of the discipline.

Individual work of students with a teacher (IWST): in-depth study of the issues discussed in previous practical classes, teacher consultation on topics for self-study and emerging issues.

Individual work of students (IWS): independent study of these topics performed in the form of practice, work with computer models and programs, preparation of presentations and abstracts, work in small groups, work with additional literature, independent solution of test tasks, preparation and defense of scientific abstracts.

The form of control and the amount of time for students with disabilities, the criteria for evaluating learning outcomes can be changed by the teacher of the discipline.

1RTD (result of teaching discipline) 1 - Understands regulatory legal acts in the field of science, legislative and ethical principles of the organization of research work.
2RTD 2 – Analyzes promising areas of scientific research in the field of professional activity, to learn to substantiate scientific hypotheses, the relevance and scientific novelty of the planned research, including domestic and foreign experience on the research topic.
3RTD 3 – It forms knowledge about the choice of research direction and stages of scientific research, theoretical and experimental research.
4RTD 4 - He has the skills to work with the main international electronic databases, types of scientific literature, principles of scientific information search.
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Lecture Definition, purpose and objectives of science. The main stages of the development of science. Development of medical science in the world and in Kazakhstan. Practical lesson Definition, purpose and objectives of science. The main stages of the development of science. Development of medical science in the world and in Kazakhstan.
2Lecture Classification of scientific research in healthcare. Practical lesson Classification of the main scientific research. Literature review.
3Lecture Cross-sectional studies: planning, sample size, data analysis. Theoretical foundations of the methodology, Advantages and disadvantages of cross-sectional studies.multiplicity. Practical lesson Cross-sectional studies and their methodology.
4Lecture The application of environmental research in medicine and public health. The basic principles of planning, their implementation and statistical data analysis. Practical lesson Environmental studies and their methodology.
5Lecture Case-control studies in healthcare. The basic principles of planning, conducting and statistical processing of case-control research data in healthcare. Practical lesson Case-control studies and their methodology.
6Lecture Cohort studies in scientific and medical practice. The basic principles of planning, conducting and statistical processing of cohort research data in healthcare. Practical lesson Cohort studies and their methodology.
7Lecture Qualitative research in medicine and public health. Classification, advantages and disadvantages. Practical lesson Combined studies and their methodology.
8Lecture Experimental research in medicine and healthcare: planning, data processing, interpretation of results. Practical lesson Experimental studies and their methodology.
9Lecture Choosing the direction of scientific research. The formulation of a scientific and technical problem and the stages of research work. Practical lesson Choosing the direction of scientific research. The formulation of a scientific and technical problem and the stages of research work.
10Lecture International abstract and bibliographic databases. Search, direction and processing of scientific information. Practical lesson Search, direction and processing of scientific information. International databases on evidence-based medicine (Cochrane Library, EMBASE, PubMed).
11Lecture Research work. Рresentation of the results of scientific research. Practical lesson Рresentation of the results of scientific research. Ethical principles and norms in medical research. The Helsinki Declaration.
12Lecture Oral presentation of information. Presentation and argumentation of the conclusions of the scientific work. Practical lesson Oral presentation of information. Presentation and argumentation of the conclusions of the scientific work.
13Lecture Methods of statistical analysis of medical data. Types of statistical data in medicine. Practical lesson Statistical methods for the analysis of quantitative and categorical data.
14Lecture Ethical principles and norms in medical research. Practical lesson The procedure for the ethical examination of biomedical research. The role of ethical committees in public control over compliance with ethical standards, guarantees of well-being, protection of rights, and health of participants in clinical trials.
15Lecture Preparation of a report and presentation on the results of scientific research. Practical lesson Preparation of a report and presentation on the results of scientific research.
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