Стоматология (ВМ087)
Код урока Название курса Сорт Кредит Время урока Еженедельные часы занятий (теоретические) Еженедельные часы занятий (практика) Еженедельные часы занятий (лаборатория)
ITSR 2282 Введение в научные исследования Екінші курс 3 90 15 15 -
Описание курса
1RTD (result of teaching discipline) 1 - Understands regulatory legal acts in the field of science, legislative and ethical principles of the organization of research work.
2RTD 2 – Analyzes promising areas of scientific research in the field of professional activity, to learn to substantiate scientific hypotheses, the relevance and scientific novelty of the planned research, including domestic and foreign experience on the research topic.
3RTD 3 – It forms knowledge about the choice of research direction and stages of scientific research, theoretical and experimental research.
4RTD 4 - He has the skills to work with the main international electronic databases, types of scientific literature, principles of scientific information search.
Связь между учебной программой и результатами обучения