Foreign Language Teacher Training
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
8D019 180 3
Program Descriptions

Training of highly qualified teaching staff in demand in the labor market, with training in philological, fundamental, theoretical and methodological as well as related branches of science that provide professional competence and social mobility in a changing world;
- formation of skills for conducting and organizing linguistic / literary studies, development of flexibility in working with interdisciplinary projects, flexibility with changing the type and nature of professional activities, formation of system knowledge in the field of scientific and humanitarian disciplines and implementation of innovative technologies;
- formation of basic and special competence of the doctor of Philosophy (PhD) able to carry out professional activities, having high social and civil responsibility, through the development of psychological and pedagogical knowledge for the implementation of pedagogical activities.

The education program regulates goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of training for students and implementation of appropriate educational technology.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of  Educational Program «8D019 -Foreign language teacher training»

- Educational activities (teaching philological disciplines);
- research activities (study of a foreign language and literature in their current state and historical development);
- publishing (editorial);
- organizational work in the field of educational administration;
- work in the media, advertising agencies, publishing houses.

- All types of educational organizations;
- organization of technical and vocational education;
- higher education institutions;
- research institutes;
- authorized and local executive bodies in the field of education;
- mass media: radio, television, press.

- scientific and pedagogical;
- scientific and organizational;  
- organizational and managerial;  
- editorial and publishing;  
- cultural and organizational; 
- activities in the media; 
- teaching.

1Within the framework of academic loyalty, specialists will be trained who are capable of compiling, designing, conducting, comparing the results of research work within the framework of scientific ethics, as well as mastering the principles of working with scientific publications, scientific databases using their service products
2able to exercise independent and critical analysis of topical issues of the theory and practice of English and Turkish languages and literature and applies the findings to their own research plans and conducts research in the field of psycho-pedagogical and philological Sciences - implementing a comprehensive monitoring accuracy based on the diagnosis, analysis and synthesis of research in the scientific field, preparing scientific publications; demonstrates formed research culture, capable of reflecti
3Independently conducts and solves actual scientific and practical problems of teaching theforeign languages and literature in the paradigm of achievements of domestic and world social and humanitarian science. Develops methods of pedagogical research, analysis and promotion of services in the field of literary studies and linguistics
4systematically implements modern theories, concepts, methodology of literary studies, linguistics, teaching methods, develops new technologies for research of artistic creativity, conducts literary and language expertise of works of literature; -develops its own strategy for studying and critical analyzing the foreign languages and works of fiction in the context of trends in the development of modern historical, cultural and economic processes
5It combines the skills of work and decision-making in cooperation with research centers and associations of experienced specialists, as a competitive personality with a high degree of professional adaptation. - Determines the direction of personal and professional development, has the ability to demand their attitude, make decisions, convince opponents