Philosophy-Religious Studies
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
6B02286 260 4
Program Descriptions

Training of qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the field of philosophy and religious studies, social and communication skills and the ability to successfully conduct research work, professional competence for the implementation of worldview-cognitive, informational and expert-analytical activities.

The educational program regulates the goals, results, content, conditions and technologies of the educational process, assessment of the quality of training of graduates in this area and includes the introduction of materials that ensure the quality of training for students, and appropriate educational technologies.

Bachelor of Humanitarian Knowledge in the educational program«6B02286 – Рhilosophy Religious Studies»

The graduate of the bachelor\'s degree in the educational program «6B02286 – Рhilosophy-Religious Studies» was prepared for the field of theory and practice of religion, religious and philosophical problems of man and modern civilization, systems of state power, the field of professional media.

- republican, regional, state and municipal bodies;

- mass media;

educational and educational institutions of all forms of ownership;

- Expert Advisory Councils;

- public organizations and others.


- organization, management;

- referent, expert, consultant;

- research project;

- education;


- education (pedagogical);

- Research;

- design;

- cultural enlightenment;

- organizational management.

1Forms leadership qualities, taking independent decisions on the basis of collection and critical analysis of data in the studied area
2Inserts professional, academic, scientific and social attitudes into state and foreign languages in an international environment
3Applies in professional activity the methods of scientific research, the basis of academic writing, principles and culture of academic honesty
4observes spiritual values and economic, ecological, provocative and anti-corruption principles, society in professional activity
5Applies his knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the fields of philosophy and religious studies in solving professional problems
6Analyzes religious and philosophical works, defining and revealing religious and moral values and features of the science of religion and philosophy
7Conducts expert assessment of religious issues using religious and legal norms
8Demonstrates knowledge obtained from religious studies in solving philosophical, axiological, sociocultural, religious and spiritual problems in society
9Conducts research (individually or as part of a team) on optimization, evaluation, and definition of religious indicators, processes and relationships in Western and Eastern philosophy
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AZhK 1247 Introduction to Аcademic Writing Kazakh 3 1 1 -
DN 1294 Fundamentals of Religion Kazakh 5 1 2
DT 1293 History of religions Kazakh 4 1 1
FK 1295 Introduction to Philosophy Kazakh 5 1 2 -
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HF 1266 History of Philosophy Kazakh 5 1 2 -
OE 1296 Ontology and Epistemology Kazakh 4 1 1 -
PATІ 1297 Practical Arabic language II Kazakh 5 - 3 -