Religious Studies (2023 - 2027)
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
6B02228 260 4
Program Descriptions

Training highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the modern labor market and employers who are able to ensure religious stability in Kazakhstan society and the implementation of religious education.

The concept of the educational program is based on the principle of preparation of highly qualified competitive specialists aimed at solving the scientific and practical tasks of the state program \"Spiritual modernization\" in order to accelerate the spiritual modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan and increase the religious literacy of the population through the use of religious resources.

Bachelor of Humanities on the educational program  «6B02228- Religious Studies»

The graduate of the bachelor\'s degree in the educational program \"6B02228-Religious Studies\" was prepared for the field of theory and practice of religion, religious and philosophical problems of man and modern civilization, systems of state power, the field of professional media.

- republican, regional, state and municipal bodies;

- mass media;

educational and educational institutions of all forms of ownership;

- Expert Advisory Councils;

- public organizations and others.

Bachelor\'s professional activities:
- organization, management;
- referent, expert, consultant;
- research project;
  - education;
Types of professional activity:
- education (pedagogical);
- Research;
- design;
- cultural enlightenment;
- organizational management.
1- able to use different types of information and communication technologies in certain professional areas: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, protecting and distributing information;
2- able to create oral and written texts of different styles and genres, observing the orthoepic, spelling, lexical, grammatical, stylistic norms of the state and foreign languages, as well as having a strategy and tactics of communicative action;
3- applies historical knowledge, social, business, cultural, philosophical and ethical values and norms of the Kazakh society;
4- organizes active relaxation and leisure, forming social personal competence of students and a healthy lifestyle, uses socio-cultural experience and socio-cultural values of physical culture and sports;
5- аpplies his knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the fields of religious studies in solving professional tasks;
6- demonstrates the knowledge gained from religious studies in the formulation of religious - axeological, socio-cultural, religious - spiritual processes in society;
7- аpplies and implements religious and legal norms in the process of religious analysis, examination and monitoring of religious issues;
8- uses in practice traditional ideas and teachings of religious educators;
9- solves the problems of ensuring religious stability by analyzing the sources and objects of religious information.
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
AZhK 1247 Introduction to Аcademic Writing Kazakh 3 1 1 -
DF 1203 Religious philosophy Kazakh 3 1 2
DN 1201 Fundamentals of religion Kazakh 5 1 2 -
DT1201 History of religion І Kazakh 4 1 1 -
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DT1204 History of religion ІІ Kazakh 4 1 1 -
IТ 1282 History of Islam Kazakh 5 1 2 -
PAT 1219 Practical Arabic language II Kazakh 5 - 3 -