Religious Studies (2023 - 2027)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DT1201 History of religion І Бірінші курс 4 120 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
Beisenov Aibek

History of Religions I subject considers religion as an integral part of spiritual culture and its place in the development of human civilization, the formation and development of religious concepts from the early form to the world level. Uses the knowledge about the meeting conditions and forms of the religions that existed in history, the preservation of the historical and mythical-legendary types of religions. In particular, Definitions of Religion; The first communal religious beliefs, the foundations and history of national religions such as Indian, Chinese and Japanese, Judaism are considered.

State inter-confessional relations


Group work, learning and study, blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, method of problem composition, method of mini-research, Modular teaching technology

1defines the theories, laws and principles of the origin of religion;
2attempts to comparatively analyze the foundations of national religions
3is able to comparatively consider and distinguish the differences of faith between national religions;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Purpose and tasks of the History of Religions I subjectАуызша
2The problem of the meaning and definition of religionСұрақ-жауап
3Concepts related to the origin of religionАуызша
4Social functions and role of religion in societyСұрақ-жауап
5Ancient religious beliefs and beliefsАуызша және жазбаша
6Religions of ancient civilizationsАуызша
7Hinduism is a caste systemСұрақ-жауап
8Fundamentals of HinduismСұрақ-жауап
9Iranian religionsАуызша
10Chinese religionsАуызша
11Japanese religionsАуызша
12Jewish religion fundamentals of faithСұрақ-жауап
13Prophet Moses is the way of lifeАуызша
14History of national religions in KazakhstanАуызша және жазбаша
15Introduction to World ReligionsАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Діндер тарихы. Оқу құралы. С.Оразбай, А.Бейсенов Түркістан 2020 – 101 б.
2Әлемдік діндер : Оқу құралы. / А.Д. Құрманалиева, С.У. Абжалов, Б.Б. Мейірбаев. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2015. - 222 б.
3Діндер тарихы. Көмекші-әдістемелік құрал, Алматы: «Нұрлы әлем» 2018, М.Бесбаев, М.Халықов
4.Т.Кенжетаев. Зайырлы ел- қайырлы.Астана., 2017
5Зайырлы мемлекет және дін қатынастары: теориясы мен тарихы, шетелдік және отандық тәжірибесі. Ғылыми талдамалық материал. Астана 2018