Religious Studies (2023 - 2027)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DF 1203 Religious philosophy Бірінші курс 3 90 1 2
Course Descriptions
Daurenkulov K.B.

The discipline forms objective knowledge about various religious and philosophical teachings and systems, the history of their origin, their interaction with each other. Tasks: knowledge of the basic concepts of religious and philosophical teachings, the content of the concept of "worldview", the ability to connect philosophical concepts with tasks and specific situations of a problematic nature, understanding their place in the life of society. Analysis of the influence of the religious aspect on a person in the course; demonstrates the skills of using means and ways of thinking through the systematization of facts and phenomena.

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, creative learning methods , modular learning technology.


1LОS 1-collects a bibliography on the philosophy of religion.
2LОS 2-compares the sources of the philosophy of ancient religion.
3LОS 3-forms the basic concepts of philosophy in different religions.
4LОS 4-considers religious philosophical forms.
5LОS 5-conducts experiments on religious moral values.
6LОS 6 - acts on the spiritual and moral education of adolescents through Islamic traditions.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Mutual effects of religion and philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
2Prerequisites for the formation of Buddhist philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
3Directions of Buddhist religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
4Ancient philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
5Formation of orthodox religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
6The main problems of orthodox religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
7Formation of Catholic religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
8Main problems of Catholic religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
9Formation of Protestant religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
10Main problems of Protestant religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
11Features and main problems of Muslim philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
12Religious and philosophical problems of Islamic movementsАуызша және жазбаша
13Philosophy of SufismАуызша және жазбаша
14Religious philosophy of KazakhsАуызша және жазбаша
15Problems of confessional syncretic religious philosophyАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Н.Ж. Байтенова, А.С. Сырғақбаева, С.Ө. Абжалов, М.А. Джекебаева, Діни философия, Алматы, 2017
2Қазіргі дәстүрден тыс діни ағымдар мен культтер, Қазақ университеті, Алматы, 2021
3Н. Ж. Байтенова, Дінтану оқу құралы , әл-Фараби атын. ҚазҰУ, Алматы, 2019
4Дінтану энциклопедиялық сөздік. 2 томдық, Қазақ университеті, Алматы, 2018