Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhM 4352 New media төртінші курс 5 120 0 0 2
Course Descriptions
Azhar Akhmet

The aim of the discipline is to teach working in a new journalistic direction with the latest technologies. The impact of technology on the development of traditional media, the emergence of new media types, and the emergence of advanced technologies have supported the concept of journalism with new contents and new forms. Media technologies have become a new tool for influencing public consciousness. The state is carrying out comprehensive work to regulate the flow of information on the Internet and ensure the security of social network users.


Multimedia Journalism and New Media

discussion, "brainstorming", game, interview

1PON 1 - Checks and explains the authenticity and importance of the information used and uses information verification methods; PON 2 - Uses effective optimization methods in the development of media content, uses effective methods to organize materials (scenarios) during writing;
2PON 3 - Ability to use and understand modern technologies and computer programs to process various scripts and contents; PON 4 - Learns and understands ways to check the authenticity and suitability of the information used and to check its accuracy;
3PON 5 - Uses the organization of prepared (including personal) materials (scenarios) for the expert writing of materials; PON 6 - The inclusion of recognized representatives of many professions (politicians, sociologists, scientists and other public figures) in open media content is handled from the perspective of professional management and systematically organized;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. General concept of new media
2New media and information society
3Critical evaluation of new media and information
4New media: media standards, criteria, ethical approach
5New Media and Digital Filmmaking
6New media, new formats: infographics, extended reading
7New media: storytelling format
8SMM and SMM and Digital marketing
9Convergence and new trends in media
10SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) for information sites
11New media and global economy
12Data literacy
13Information standards
14Information quality and critical thinking: truth, fake, manipulation
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Myssayeva K.N. The new media development in Kazakhstan: monografAlmaty:Kazakh University 2017
22. Гороховский А. Фактчекинг журналистика сінің тренді:мүмкіндігі мен болашағы. Практикалық оқу құралы. Алматы, 2017
33. Барлыбаева, С. Новые медиа в мире и Казахстане. Учебное пособие [Текст] / С. Барлыбаева, Г.Рахимжанова. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 140 с
44. Ложникова, О. П. Методика редактирования журналистского текста на радио и телевидении. Учебное пособие [Текст] / О. П. Ложникова. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 108 с
55. Джонес, Д. Сандық журналистика [Текст] / Д. Джонес, К. Л. Салтер. - Алматы : ҚР білім және ғылым министрлігі, 2014. - 280 с.
66. Гороховский А. Фактчекинг как тренд журналистских расследований: возможности и перспективы. Практическое пособие. Алматы, 2017
77. Волынец М. М. Профессия: оператор: Учеб. пособие для студентов вузов/ М.М. лынец. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Издательство «Аспект Пре» 2022. -184с.
88. Ким М. Н., Пак Е. М. Жанры печатных и электронных СМИ. Учебник для вузов. Стандарт третьего поколения. - СПб.: Питер, 2020. - 448 с.: ил. (Серия «Учебник для вузов»).