Chemistry-Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
VS 12100 Introduction to the specialty Бірінші курс 3 90 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
PhD, senior teacher Sarbaeva Makpal Tursynbaevna

The discipline examines the content and system of training, characteristics and fundamentals, important concepts, theoretical issues, the main directions of professional activity of a chemistry and biology teacher. The student forms an interest and a positive attitude towards the teaching profession. Understanding the essence and specifics of the teacher's activity, he acquires the initial experience and skills necessary for the formation of the teacher's personality. Masters the basics of the organization of educational and methodological activities with the help of didactic principles.

Training experience


1. Critical thinking

2. Brainstorming

3. The methodology of step-by-step training


1LO 1-gives a general overview of the subject and analyzes the object of research. He gets acquainted with the works of scientists who have contributed to the training of teachers of chemistry and biology, conducts an analysis.
2LO 2-studies the methodology of teaching chemistry and biology as a pedagogical science. Combines and integrates chemistry and biology courses;
3LO 3-forms the requirements for the specialty 'teacher of chemistry and biology'. Owns the structure of the professional standard;
4LO 4-masters the goals and objectives of teaching chemistry and biology in secondary education institutions. Chemistry and biology form the content of academic subjects;
5LO 5-uses the documents of the normative legal support of the academic disciplines 'Biology' and 'Chemistry'. Get acquainted with electronic platforms;
6LO 6-forms an idea of upbringing. Studies the educational value of textbooks 'Chemistry' and 'Biology';
7LO 8-forms the natural science worldview of students. Defines the direction of educational work in the teaching of biology and chemistry;
8LO 9 - forms an idea of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of student development in teaching biology and chemistry;
9LO 10-develops, sharpens students in teaching chemistry and biology through problem-based learning;
10LO 11-uses practice-oriented tasks in the development of students;
11LO 12-forms an idea of the means of teaching chemistry and biology;
12LO 13-forms the skills of studying, conducting educational experiments LO 14-monitors the results of teaching chemistry and biology, evaluates and analyzes the quality of biological and chemical education from the point of view of competence.
13LO 1-gives a general overview of the subject and analyzes the object of research. He gets acquainted with the works of scientists who have contributed to the training of teachers of chemistry and biology, conducts an analysis.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to the subject. The works of scientists who have contributed to the training of teachers of chemistry and biologyпрезентация
2Methods of teaching chemistry and biology - as a pedagogical science.test
3Requirements for the specialty 'teacher of chemistry and biology'. The structure of the professional standardЖазбашаtest
4The purpose and objectives of teaching chemistry and biology in secondary education institutions. The content of academic subjects is Chemistry and Biology.Жазбашаtest
5Regulatory and legal support of the academic disciplines 'Biology' and 'Chemistry'. Familiarity with electronic platforms.Жазбашаtest
6The concept of education. Educational value of textbooks 'Chemistry' and 'Biology'.Жазбашаtest
7Formation of the natural science worldview of students. The direction of educational work in the teaching of biology and chemistry (civil-patriotic, humanistic, aesthetic, ethical, economic, labor, environmental education and healthy lifestyle education).Жазбаша
8Psychological and pedagogical foundations of students' development in teaching biology and chemistry. Age psychology.Ауызша
9Problem-based learning is a means of developing students in teaching chemistry and biology. Specific features of problem-based learning.Сұрақ-жауап
10Features of the application of practice-oriented tasks in the development of students. Didactic materials, their typestest
11Methods and approaches to teaching chemistry and biology. Functions and classification of teaching methods.test
12Means of teaching chemistry and biology. Visual aids and their meaning.test
13Educational experiment-as a specific method and tool for teaching chemistry and biology. Classification of educational experimentsАуызша
14The system of organizational forms of teaching chemistry and biology. Types of classes and requirements for them.Ауызша және жазбаша
15Control of the results of teaching chemistry and biology. The concept of assessment and quality of biological and chemical education from the point of view of the competence approach.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. General pedagogy: a textbook. - Almaty, 2017. Yerkibayeva G. G.
22. Theory and methodology of teaching chemistry. Study guide.2nd erased. head. / M. K. Kurmanalieva, N. O. Myrzakhmetova. - - Almaty: Almanac, 2021-321 with
33. Methods of teaching biology, textbook. Shymkent 2017. Isaev G. I., Khalikova G. S., Alpamysova G. B.
44. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference 'Problems of training competitive specialists in the conditions of integration of the education system ' [Text]. Vol. 2. - Shymkent: mir, 2015. - 328 P.
55. Scientific and methodological foundations for the formation of creativity of future science teachers. (monograph)Turkestan 2018 Niyazova G. Zh., Berkimbayev K. M