Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TPPD 2205 Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of personality Екінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
J.N. Saduova

The purpose of the discipline:Within the framework of the discipline, students' theoretical knowledge is improved, psychological training is strengthened; in-depth study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of psychodiagnostics of the individual is carried out; familiarization with the rules of conducting psychodiagnostic research. Methods and ways of assessing individual psychological characteristics of a person are also presented; skills of organizing psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in various areas of psychological practice are formed.



Teamwork, work in pair, learning and study, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creativity learning methods, teamwork, cloud technology, it method, Case study Method, group project work method, problem work method, mini research method, project work method, professional skills improvement method, problem work method, modular learning technology.

1- knows the methodological support of the educational process; - taking into account the psychophysiological features of students’ developmental age can perform diagnosis and knows how to use the results (LO4).
2-diagnoses and accurately demonstrates the results, taking into account the individual typological, personal and age-related characteristics of children and adolescents in the process of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics; - analyzes the methods of formulating pedagogical goals for the design of new models and strategies of the educational process (LO8).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Psychodiagnostics and the history of the development of psychotherapy
2General concept of psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy
3The essence, purpose, research methods of psychodiagnostics
4The counseling process in psychodiagnostics.
5The main methods of psychodiagnostic research and the system of tests
6The essence, purpose and task of psychotherapy.
7Distinctive features of psychodynamic psychotherapy
8The possibilities of Client-Centered Therapy.
9Gestalt therapy and features of its application.
10General characteristics of art therapy and prerequisites for the implementation of the methodology.
11Crises in adolescence
12Features of the psychology of young adults
13Diagnosis of personality psychological properties
14Psychodiagnostic methods used today
15Technology and adaptation of methods for preparing and creating tests.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Kuseynova MA - Pedagojik ve yaş psikolojisi. Ders kitabı. Almatı, 2022.
22. Zumabekova F. Psikoloji: Okul öncesi dönem..eğitim kılavuzu, - Astana, 2015
33. Jakupova S. Genel Psikoloji.Çalışma kılavuzu, 2020.
44. Kusainov G. M., Tanirbergenova A. Ş., İshengeldieva MG Pratik Psikoloji. Yöntemsel kılavuz. A. 2022