Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SМА 2203 Translation of political texts Екінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sherieva Gulimzhan

In the process of translating political texts, students get acquainted with materials related to political texts. Learns to translate documentary and business texts that contain many clichés, special terminology, concreteness; learns to translate informative and descriptive texts related to the messages of current events, which include many terms, historical realities, common names, etc., characteristic of journalism, emotional-colorful elements, figurative expressions, syntactic figures, etc.



1. Presentation
2. Oral translation
3. Shadowing training
4. Listen to translate
5. Question-answer
6. Problem methods
7. Test

11. Two-way free written translation: - Performs written translation using syntactic techniques, lexical, grammatical and stylistic alternatives for the correct translation of the communicative and logical integrity of the text
22. For the correct construction of logical connections between sentences, it uses methods of compression and decompression of the content of speech, ways to disassemble and combine sentences in the course of translation
33. Free two-way translation: - Correctly understands the oral text and performs two-way oral translation using translation transformations
44. Freely use the spoken language of a working Foreign Language, idiomatic expressions, phraseological expressions in oral translation
55. forms the ethics of spoken translation
66. Simultaneous translation: - simultaneously listening to the text in one language, simultaneously translating it into another
77. Sets the correct accent and uses the correct accent; forms a clear and even sound of the tone of voice
88. Correctly and intelligibly translates the stated idea
99. Provides simultaneous translation with effective use of simultaneous translation devices
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical The nature of political textual discourse Objected Translation of political texts
2Theoretical Objected Translation of political news from the original language to the translation language
3Theoretical Equivalence in translation Objected Translation of political news from the BBC
4Theoretical Relationship between source text and target text Objected Translation of phraseological units
5Theoretical Translation and adaptation of political texts Objected Translation of political texts
6Theoretical Strategies for translating political texts Objected Dissemination of political news from the internet
7Theoretical Strategies for translating political texts Objected Translation of phraseological units
8Theoretical Sequence of translation Objected Translating a political text with a focus on unity and coherence
9Theoretical Teaching and matching socio-political terms in English Objected Translation of political terms
10Theoretical Understanding socio-political terms in English Objected Translation of political terms
11Theoretical Choosing the correct translation technique Objected Translation of political news
12Theoretical Requirements for translating English political terms Objected Translation of political terms
13Theoretical Features of translation of socio-political Online news Objected Translation of political news from the BB
14Theoretical The role of culture and ideology in the translation of political texts Objected Translation of political texts
15Theoretical Development of translation competence Objected Translation of political texts from the internet ….
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Tobias Berger and Alejandro Esguerra. Translation of Political Texts. Textbook. Routledge, 2018
2Қ.Б.Уразбаев, Г.T.Сегизова, О.Б.Абдулхаков. Methоds of Translation. Оқу-әдісtемелік құрал. Tүркісtан: Tұран, 2018.