Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RНD 4305 Software Support Of Robotics төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD., senior lecturer A. A. Umarov

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to master the basics of robotics and form the knowledge, skills, skills and competencies necessary for the use of robotic constructors in the educational process based on the LEGO Mindstorms set. As part of the study of this discipline, The Lego-robot will help to master and visually implement complex algorithms, consider issues related to the automation of production processes and management processes.

Robotics in education

Fundamentals of programming, fundamentals of robotics

Teamwork, cloud technology, team project work method, modular learning technology

1Knows the principles of robotics.
2Robot Control knows the schemes, principles of the system.
3Can use 3-Arduino UNO MK.
4Master the method, principles of building a mathematical model.
5Master the methods of solving the robot movement problem.
6Can build an algorithm for a given problem.
7Can create a program in the Arduino IDE environment for a given report.
8Differential robot model (kinamatics).
9Differential robot control model.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1History of the development of robots and robotics.
2The structure and classification of robotic systems (RF).
3RF management: principle, structure.
4Movement planning at the strategic management level.
5Intelligent control technology. Expert system and imprecise system.
6Rules for solving the problem: building a model, choosing a method, creating an algorithm, creating a program, executing a program.
7Differential robot.
8Differential robot model: direct kinematics.
9Differential robot model: reverse kinematics.
10Structural scheme, composition of the robot.
11Robot parts: motor and encoder.
12Details about the robot: engine control system (driver).
13Robot parts: central controller (processor).
14Robot parts: Control and measuring instruments-ultrasonic sensors, speaker / microphone.
15Robot parts: monitoring and measuring instruments-accelerometer / gyroscope.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Тулегулов А., т.б. Робототехника және Arduino платформасында бағдарламалау: оқу құралы, 2020, 121 б.
2Шыңғысов Б.Т. Робот техникасы: оқулық, 2019, 129 б.
3Тукушова А., Шошак М. Білім берудегі робототехника: оқу құралы, Алматы, 2019. 202 б.
4Джозеф Л. Изучение робототехники с использованием Python, 2019 – 250 с.