Russian Language and Literature at Schools with non-Russian Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RET 3215 Theory of Russian Literature Үшінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Oshakbayeva Zh.B.

To form an idea of the essence of fiction, literary source studies and literary textual criticism.
The discipline is aimed at studying theoretical issues related to the understanding of literature as a form of word art. As a result of studying the discipline, students will master modern research tools and various ways of translating knowledge of the basic concepts of literary criticism, skills of comparative historical analysis of texts of works of fiction.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Working in pairs,
3. Blitz questions,
4. Case study,
5. Methods of developmental learning,
6. Methods of creative learning,
7. Using IT technology
8. Group work,
9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),
10. Glossary.

1describes the content and patterns of the development of Russian oral folk art, the main stages of the development of Russian folklore;
2explains the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness reflected in the works of Russian folklore;
3owns modern research tools and various ways of translating knowledge of the basic concepts of literary criticism.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The theory of literature as a science is the subject and objectives of the course. Scientific foundations of the theory of literature. The history of the formation of science.
2The concept of literature Literature and folklore. The concept of a work of art. Subject, ideological content, composition of a work of art
3The social role of literature and art is a literary work as an artistic whole. Plot, language means, problem, theme, idea of the work.
4The concept of an artistic image . Artistic image. The symbol and its types. Hero. Character. Character. Type. The system of images in the work.
5The difference between the figurative model and the model of the scientific concept of the content and form of a work of art. Unity of content and form.
6The symbol and its types. Artistic speech. Poetic stylistics. Literary techniques and tropes.
7A literary work. Artistic speech. Division of literature into genera and their genesis. Types of literature. Scientific works of foreign and Russian scientists on the division of literature into genera and species.
8Content and form of a work of art. Types and genres of epic, lyric and drama. Satire and its place in the system of literary genres. Generic principles of drama. Aesthetic functions of satire. Laughter, comic, irony.
9The problem of literary genera and species in modern literary studies. The problem of literary genera and species in modern literary studies. Author and hero. Narrator and narrator. Comparative characteristics. The author's subjectivity in the work and the author as a real person.
10Literary trends, currents, schools. Decadence and modernism, their philosophical basis. Style and artistic method.
11Satire and its place in the system of literary genera Hermeneutics. Understanding. Interpretation. Meaning.
12Generic principles of drama. Literature and text. Text as a concept of semiotics and cultural studies. The diversity of the literary text.
13Style and artistic method 'Point of view' as a tool for analyzing composition. Reminiscence. Intertextuality.
14Decadence and modernism, their philosophical basis. The literary process. The relationship between the development of society and literature.
15Literary process Literature and modern research methods.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1G.G.Khazagerov. Fundamentals of literary theory. Textbook. M., Yurayt, 2023
2kbayeva Zh.B. Questions of the theory of literature. Educational and methodical manual. Turkestan, 2017.
3M. E. Kroshneva. Theory of literature. Ulyanovsk, 2017.