Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RDÖM 3328 Methods of Teaching Russian Language I Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Yerkibayeva G.G.

The discipline is aimed at studying the main (basic) categories of methodology, basic organizational forms, methods, techniques and means of teaching the Russian language at school. As a result of studying the discipline, students will be able to plan and conduct training sessions and extracurricular activities based on modern methods of the Russian language



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Working in pairs,
3. Blitz questions,
4. Case study,
5. Methods of developmental learning,
6. Methods of creative learning,
7. Using IT technology
8. Group work,
9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),
10. Glossary,
11. Presentation,
12. Business games,
13. Associogram,
14. Bibliography,
15. Test,
16. The written method.
17. For students with disabilities, together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules).

1can plan and conduct training sessions and extracurricular activities in general education institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education based on modern methods of the Russian language and literature, taking into account the principles of integration and continuity of education at all levels of secondary education;
2owns and uses data on the theory and practice of pedagogical innovation to test knowledge and skills in practice, classifies by significance.
3knows the types of professional activities, their functions and tasks, has professional skills and organizational skills;
4protects the methodological portfolio based on the reflection of its methodological literacy,
5carries out scientific design of various types, determines the role of a professional position
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Russian language in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Russian language as a means of communication and cognition. The Russian language as a subject of study and a means of teaching. Introduction to the updated curriculum: The Patriotic Act 'Mangilik el'. The content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2Methods of teaching Russian as a science The subject and objectives of the methodology of teaching the Russian language. The connection of the methodology of teaching the Russian language with other sciences. Research methods in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. Methodical experiment. Diagnostics and forecasting in Russian language teaching. Historical development of the methodology of the Russian language The first textbooks of the Russian language. Teaching of the Russian language of the XIX – early XX centuries . Teaching Russian in Soviet times. Features of the Russian language teaching system at the beginning of the XXI century.
3Russian as an academic subject The role of the Russian language in the system of secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The goals of studying the Russian language and teaching it in secondary school at the present stage. The composition of the school course of the Russian language. The content and structure of the Russian language school course. Author's (non-core) training programs. In-depth study of the Russian language. Curriculum: Planning and resources:1. The content and structure of the curriculum.
4Means of teaching the Russian language Educational and methodical complex and its main components. Manuals supplementing the textbook. Means of visualization in teaching the Russian language.
5Method as a category of Russian language methodology Concepts of the teaching method in didactics and methodology. Classification of teaching methods. Methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language. Effective teaching and teaching: 1. Characteristics of effective teaching and teaching. 2. The use of active learning in the process of teaching and learning.
6Organization of the educational process in the Russian language at school Planning of educational material. Medium- and short-term lesson planning. Conditions for the effectiveness of the lesson. Criteria assessment system Russian language lesson. The goals and content of a specific Russian language lesson. Structural elements of the lesson and their functions. Types and types of Russian language lessons. Analysis of the Russian language lesson
7Vocabulary learning methodology Vocabulary in school programs in the Russian language and the tasks of its study. Linguistic foundations of the school vocabulary course. The place of vocabulary in the structure of the school curriculum. Lexical concepts and skills in the school course of the Russian language. Lexical exercises and their types. Methods of studying morphology The importance of studying morphology at school. The goals of studying morphology at school. Selection of the content of the school course of morphology as a methodological problem. Grammatical categories of parts of speech. Their mastering by students in the process of studying morphology. Methodology for the introduction of morphological concepts.
8The place of syntax in the Russian language course.Tasks of studying syntax at school. Linguodidactic basics of the syntax school course. The relationship of syntax with other sections of the Russian language course. Practical orientation of syntax in the school course of the Russian language. Ways, techniques, and means of teaching syntax.
9Methods of studying spelling Spelling in the school course of the Russian language. The goals of studying spelling. The content of the study of spelling. Theoretical foundations of the study of spelling at school. Spelling exercises. Rules in the school study of spelling and didactic material. The process of learning spelling. Work on spelling skills in grades 8-9. Skills and abilities formed in the process of learning spelling.
10Methods of studying punctuation The purpose and basics of Russian punctuation. Punctuation training system from 1st to 9th grade. Principles of punctuation teaching methods at school. Types and causes of punctuation errors. Characteristics of punctuation rules. The main types of exercises used in teaching punctuation. Work on punctuation in the process of studying non-syntactic topics.
11Lecture classes Teaching various types of speech activity. 1. Learning to listen, speak, read and write 2..Speech activity is a form of manifestation of speech communication. 3. Speaking and writing are productive (creative) types of speech activity. 4. Speech communication as a learning goal.
12Methods of formation and development of students' speech Speech development as a methodological problem The content and main directions of work on the development of speech at school. Questions of speech development of students in Russian language programs. Linguistic and psychological foundations of the methodology of speech development.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of teaching the Russian language and literary reading. Textbook and workshop. Edited by T.I. Zinovieva. M., Yurayt, 2023
2Methods of teaching Russian in secondary school. T XIV.Yerkibayeva G.G. Shymkent, 2022.
3Innovative technologies in the educational process. T IX. Yerkibayeva G.G. Shymkent, 2022.
4Methods of teaching the Russian language in tasks and exercises. I.Y. Gats. M., Yurayt, 2023
5Yerkibayeva G.G.. Methods of teaching the Russian language I. Turkestan, 2019.