Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PZAA2207 Methodology and methodology of pedagogical research Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Turkish, Kazakh
Risbekova A

The purpose of the discipline:studies the main stages and content of psychological and pedagogical research work, gets acquainted with information about the methods of research and processing the results obtained from information sources, demonstrates ways to cover the progress of psychological and pedagogical research work

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, Jigsaw method, creative learning methods, cloud technologies, IT- method, Case study method, modular learning technology.

1- applies ability to work together in the educational process with representatives of professional communities, law enforcement agencies, medical and social services, children’s and youth’s movements, youth organizations, etc. - studies, evaluates school experience, uses research results and other well-reasoned sources to improve the experience of their colleagues(LO6)
2-diagnoses and accurately demonstrates the results, taking into account the individual typological, personal and age-related characteristics of children and adolescents in the process of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics; - analyzes the methods of formulating pedagogical goals for the design of new models and strategies of the educational process (LO8).
3- педагогикалық және психологиялық диагностикалау барысында балалар мен жасөспірімдердің жеке-типологиялық, тұлғалық және жас ерекшеліктерін ескере отырып диагностикалайды және нәтижелерін дәлдікпен көрсетеді;
4-оқу үдерісінің стратегиялары мен жаңа модельдерін жобалау үшін педагогикалық мақсаттарды тұжырымдау әдістерін талдайды (ОН8).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject, purpose and objectives of the methodology and methodology of scientific research.
2Methodological foundations of scientific knowledge and creativity.
3The logic of science. Methodology. Methodology of science.
4The choice of the direction of scientific research and the stages of research work.
5The structure and scientific apparatus of pedagogical research work
6Methods and methodology of scientific research.
7Theoretical research methods.
8Empirical research methods
9Psychological and pedagogical experiment and its types, methods of conducting.
10Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience
11Types of research work.
12The system of basic concepts and terms in pedagogical research
13Organization of pedagogical research
14Implementation of the results of pedagogical research into school practice.
15Types and methods of psychological and pedagogical measurement.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Кантарбай С. Е., Жусупова Ж. А. Методы научно-педагогических исследований: Учеб. - Алматы, 2011г.
2Сапина С. М., Динаева Б. Б. Академическая честность и техника написания научно-исследовательской работы. Учеб.пос.-Нур-Султан, 2020г.
3Таубаева Ш. М. Методика и методы педагогического исследования: учебник-Алматы, 2019
4Таубаева Ш. Исследовательская культура учителя: от теории к практике. Монография. - Алматы, 2016