Pre-School Education and Upbringing
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Ped 1240 Pedagogy Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
M. B. Jazdykbaeva

The purpose of the discipline: to form an idea of the theoretical and methodological foundations, principles, methods, forms and technologies of teaching in the whole pedagogical process, modeling as a professional pedagogical activity, the organization of educational and cognitive activities and the management of the educational process. As a result of mastering the discipline, be able to carry out educational work with subjects in educational institutions, the formation of educational and cognitive activities, the solution of scientific and professional problems, the organization of students' pedagogical activities.

introduction to the profession of a preschool teacher

theory and methodology of educational work in preschool organizations

Group work, exchange of ideas, demonstration, exercise, problem methods, Case-study method.

1- takes into account the psychophysiological and age characteristics of preschool children and organizes pedagogical processes (LO5);
2-able to take into account the social, personal, inclusive needs of children in the processes of education and upbringing and make management decisions (LO6);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Pedagogy - in the system of human sciences.презентация
2Description of the factors affecting the development, formation, upbringing of the individual and their appearance in different age groups.Библиография
3The research culture of the teacher is a condition for the effectiveness of the educational process.презентация
4The purpose, meaning and content of education in the entire pedagogical process.Библиография
5Scientific worldview is the basis of the student's intellectual development.презентация
6Forms and methods of educational process, system of tools.Ауызша
7The children's team is the object and subject of education.Ауызша және жазбаша
8The class leader is the organizer of the educational system of the class.Библиография
9Basics of family education.презентация
10Teaching in the structure of the entire pedagogical process.Сұрақ-жауап
11Content of current school education.презентация
12Teaching forms, methods, toolsБиблиография
13Diagnostics and testing of students' learning achievements.Библиография
14Organizational-methodical management of the entire pedagogical process, improvement of teachers' qualifications within the school and their certification.Библиография
15Diagnosis and planning of the entire pedagogical process of the schooltest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1M. B. Zhazdykbaeva, D. zh. Kishibaeva pedagogy-Shymkent: Alem, 2015, -316
2K. M. Berkimbayev, Zh. Buraeva, G. Meirbekova.Pedagogy. Training manual. Turkestan, 2020.
3N. S. Alkozhaeva Pedagogy. Training manual. Almaty: Kazakh university, 2015. - 220b.
4Buzaubakova, K. zh.pedagogy: Taraz: IP 'Beisenbekova A. zh.', 2019. - 329p.- ISBN 978-601-298-748-5.
5Slastenin, V. A. pedagogy: student for the studio. education of Higher Education. - 12-E ISD., stereotype. - M.: Izdatelsky Center 'Academy', 2014. RSE