Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OGEIO 2203 Teaching the Updated Educational Content in the Secondary Education System Екінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Yergubekova Zh

formation of competencies that will be able to use modern teaching technologies and innovative approaches to education in order to increase the competitiveness of future specialists and graduate students. The discipline "Teaching updated educational content in the secondary education system" introduces the structure of the updated educational program, the order, content and goals of increasing the complexity of the materials contained in it. Provides understanding and the ability to apply pedagogical approaches that correspond to the updated educational program for the subject.Provides understanding and the ability to apply a system of criteria-based assessment in order to achieve learning goals in the updated educational program for the discipline. Develops the skills necessary for teachers to implement an updated educational program on the subject in the context of updating the content of secondary education: learns new methods and techniques of teaching, the secondary education program for the national education system of Kazakhstan and the system of criteria-based assessment.

Introduction to  Kazakh linguistics, Introduction to Kazakh literary science

Teamwork, work in pair, learning and study, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creative learning methods


11-mastering the methodology and methodology of pedagogical research in the discipline Kazakh language and literature.
22-masters, adopts modern methods of teaching the Kazakh language and literature, various teaching methods.
33-uses a system of methodical exercises, methods of using didactic materials.
44-modern technologies of teaching H, use innovative approaches to education.
55-understands the theoretical foundations of the course based on Seven-module training material.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Joint and team work. Methodology for working in groupsАуызша
2Perfect teacher and individual characteristics of students. Teacher competence.Ауызша
3Learning management and leadershipСөздік
4Values, attitudes, and ways of influencing. Psychological climate in the classroomСөздік
5Identifying barriers to learning; the affective theory of learning.Ауызша
6Education and training of students in accordance with their age.Ауызша
7Using Lesson Study to improve the teaching and learning processСөздік
8Teach how to learn. Methods and techniques of trainingАуызша
9Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learningАуызша
10Assessment for learning and evaluation of learning. Types of assessmentsСөздік
11Teaching talented and gifted childrenАуызша
12Dialogic learning.Ауызша
13Development of critical thinking in teaching and learning.Ауызша
14Features of interactive and inclusive learning.Сөздік
15Implementation of program ideas in teaching practice (lesson planning)Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Баранбаева А.Р., Исаева Ж., Беркимбаев К.М. Қазақ тілі мен әдебиет пәнінде педагогикалық зерттеу әдіснамасы мен әдістемесі. Оқу құралы. – Шымкнт, 2018. -279 б. ISBN 978-601-339-003-1
2Торыбева Ж.З., Тусеев М.Ө., Күзжанова С.А. Педагогикалық-психологиялық практикум: кейс-әдісін қолдану әдістемесі. Оқу құралы.-Шымкент:Әлем, 2019. -140 б. ISBN 978-601-01-9965-811-17-3
3Ж.Т.Дәулетбекова, Ж.И.Исаева,А.Ш.Ермекбаева Тілді оқыту мотивациясы. Оқу құралы. –Алматы. 2018.-207 . ISBN 978-601-298-717-1
4Ш.Таубаева Педагогикалық зерттеулердің әдіснамасы мен әдістері. Оқулық.-Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті,2019. -360 б. ISBN 978-601-04-4237-5
5Т.Жұмажанова Әдебиетті оқыту әдістемесі: Монография. Алматы, 2014.
6А.Мамраимов Болашақ мұғалімдерді ұлттық қозғалмалы ойындарды мектептегі оқу-тәрбие үдерісінде пайдалануға даярлаудың әдістемелік жүйесі. Монография. 2013.