Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MTTT 4380 Selected Chapters of Mathematical Analysis төртінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Borihanov M.

Modern requirements for mathematical qualification of students of the discipline: increases the level of fundamental mathematical training, strengthens the applied direction of the course of mathematics, directs students to learn to use mathematical methods in solving applied problems, develops logical and algorithmic thinking of students, independently expands and deepens mathematical knowledge.

Teamwork, working in pairs, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, developing learning method, poster defense, jigsaw method, creative learning methods, case study method, group project study method, problem study method, modular learning technology.

For students with health disabilities, the methods of the discipline teacher, learning styles, control styles and the duration of application of special adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed together with structural units.

1Solves fundamental and applied mathematical problems using basic methods and laws of mathematics (LO 9);
2Builds mathematical models of processes and phenomena in solving applied practical problems (LO 10);
3Conducts scientific and pedagogical research in the educational environment (LО11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Euclidean n-dimensional space. Open and closed sets. Circuits in Rn. Compactness in metric space.презентация
2Multi-variable functions A condition for differential-danization of multi-argument functions. Insufficient continuity of the discovery of independent derivatives.презентация
3Independent derivatives and differentials of the upper order.презентация
4Undefined function. Jacobian. Existence and differentiation of functions presented in an explicit form.презентация
5Necessary and sufficient conditions for extremum.презентация
6Necessary and sufficient conditions for extremum.презентация
7Volume in N-dimensional Euclidean space. A set whose size is zero. Measurable sets according to Zhordan. The condition for measuring the set according to Zhordan.презентация
8Bringing a multiple integral to a secondary integral.презентация
9Sringing a multiple integral to a secondary integral..презентация
10Curvilinear integrals of the first and second genera, their properties.презентация
11Curvilinear integrals independent of the integration path.презентация
12Scalar field. Gradient. Vector field. Divergence, rotor.презентация
13Solenoid, potential vector fields.презентация
14Parameter-dependent, non-property integrals. Uniform convergence. Weierstrass sign. Properties of a parameter-dependent, non-property integral.Application of parameter-dependent integrals.презентация
15Euler integral of the first genus.(beta and gamma functions.) Euler integral of the second genus. .(beta and gamma functions).презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqý quraly. - Almaty 2014j. O.A.Jáýtikov.
2E.B.Boronına Matematıcheskıı analız. Ýchebnık. 2020g G.I.Zaporojes Rýkovodstvo k reshenıý zadach po matematıcheskomý analızý. Ýchebnoe posobıe.Sankt-Peterbýrg 2014g.
3Mamaeva V.A Matematıkalyq taldaýdan tájirıbelik jumystardy oryndaýǵa arnalǵan ádistemelik nusqaý.2 bólim. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. 2017j.